Unity 2008 ticket!

Ted Haggard

Verified User
Folks - There’s been much chatter on the intertubes recently about a Unity2008 bipartisan Presidential ticket. Bloomberg/Hagel, McCain/Lieberman, Paul/Kucinich, etc. That’s all well and good, but I’ve gotta hankerin’ that we ain’t thinking big enough.

I can’t decide whether Tom Tancredo/Antonio Villaraigosa would be my dream ticket, or Larry Craig/Duke Cunningham.

If it was Tancredo/Villaraigosa, I think that would be awesome!!!! A short, foul-tempered midget Mexican hater, and a tall, groovy-looking Hispanic mayor born in the barrios of east L.A. A ticket to bring together the Minutemen militia, and the La Raza vato locos. Awesome! Can’t you just hear “Deliverance” banjo music, and mariachi tunes being played together proudly, side by side, at the presidential inaugural? In a sign of national reconciliation, Tancredo/Villaraigosa could make Cinco DeMayo, and Nathan Bedford Forrest’s birthday into national holidays!!!!!

Now, if it was Craig/Cunningham, it would be an awesome message to all of us - whether closeted-gays (Asshatzombie) or married-straight (Damocles) – that we can come together as Americans and learn to live together in tolerance and mutual respect. After all, who among us doesn’t have a sexual indiscretion we would like to keep on the down low? (wink, wink)... Whether its toe-tapping in men's bathrooms, or discreetly banging Costa Rican call girls at the Watergate hotel, it is time to bring the Craig/Cunningham ticket straight out of the closet!

*inspired by the Unity2008 movement
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