Universal truths.....


Well-known member
Kind of hit me a few years back when it comes to certain universal truths. The absolute saddest of them all is this.........Evil will ALWAYS use our own inherent goodness, innocence, and good intentions AGAINST US. ALWAYS. What can be worse that THAT? Nothing. Actually its very sad when you think about it.
Kind of hit me a few years back when it comes to certain universal truths. The absolute saddest of them all is this.........Evil will ALWAYS use our own inherent goodness, innocence, and good intentions AGAINST US. ALWAYS. What can be worse that THAT? Nothing. Actually its very sad when you think about it.

Not always, evil exists to be evil it will use whatever it has to in order to proliferate. If that means allowing us to keep our goodness or innocence it will.

In some cases it may even make it better or stronger.

It depends on what evil is trying to accomplish.
Not always, evil exists to be evil it will use whatever it has to in order to proliferate. If that means allowing us to keep our goodness or innocence it will.

In some cases it may even make it better or stronger.

It depends on what evil is trying to accomplish.

But that would mean that its using our own goodness against us. In a different way,...but still.
But that would mean that its using our own goodness against us. In a different way,...but still.

No, evil will do whatever it has to do in order to proliferate.

It may not have to affect your goodness or innocence whatsoever.

All people have some level of evil in them and it may simply focus on that and not touch the rest.

For instance, evil may just focus on your inner rage or anger and try to grow that, it doesn't mean you are any less innocent than you were before, you just have something new added to the mix.

You see this often in cases of racism.

People start developing a hate towards another race but they really haven't changed anything else about them. They didn't lose their positive parts they just gained more negative ones.