Unparalled Entertainment Value: Best Buzzflash Headlines of the Day


Will work for Scooby snacks
For entertainment value only - the Best Buzzflash.com headlines of the day:

"Bush has been lying and acting brain dead about the Iraq War for so many years, he should be in assisted living" 10/26

Maureen Dowd: "Things have become so dire for the Republicans that now even Bush is distancing himself from Bush." 10/25

"A Village in Texas Has Lost Its Idiot." Get the Magnet. Would Someone Put Bush's Mug on a Milk Carton, So the Village Can Find Its Idiot and Take Him Back."

"Paul Wellstone and Michael J. Fox Vs. the Barbaric Inhumanity of Pill-Popping Rush Limbaugh and Hired-Propagandist Sean Hannity" 10/26

"Show Christopher Shays the Door, Already. The Words Moderate and Republican are an Oxymoron." 10/25

"DUMBASS" the book. Come on, You Know Who We are Talking About! 10/26

Vote for Corker, he's whiter; "For some reason the GOP has decided to ignore the gays, and even Latinos, and go back to their tried and true traditional old racism." 10/27

I love the Maureen Dowd one. That would explain the how the stay the route thingy never really meant stay the route ?