Untangling entanglement. Quantum Mechanics


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Entanglement was first clearly described, and named, in 1935, by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. He pointed out that, after two quantum particles interacted, they could no longer be considered independent of each other, as classical physics would have allowed. As the contemporary US physicist Leonard Susskind puts it in the preface to Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum (2014), ‘one can know everything about a system and nothing about its individual parts.’

Entanglement was first clearly described, and named, in 1935, by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. He pointed out that, after two quantum particles interacted, they could no longer be considered independent of each other, as classical physics would have allowed. As the contemporary US physicist Leonard Susskind puts it in the preface to Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum (2014), ‘one can know everything about a system and nothing about its individual parts.’


It's been fully tested and verified.

Two quantum particles will have the same reaction regardless of their distance even over billions of light years.

Although humans can't travel at that speed yet, it does open up the possibility for instant communication across the galaxy.

Possibly even sending matter such as supplies to a ship such as one orbiting Jupiter or something.
It's been fully tested and verified.

Two quantum particles will have the same reaction regardless of their distance even over billions of light years.

Although humans can't travel at that speed yet, it does open up the possibility for instant communication across the galaxy.

Possibly even sending matter such as supplies to a ship such as one orbiting Jupiter or something.

Bohr versus Einstein, arguably the greatest scientific debate of the 20th century.

Just because the quantum wave function collapse is instantaneous between two widely separated entangled particles, does not mean matter, energy, or information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light. We cannot change the wave function collapse, therefore we couldn't send information instantaneously. Relativity is not violated.
Bohr versus Einstein, arguably the greatest scientific debate of the 20th century.

Just because the quantum wave function collapse is instantaneous between two widely separated entangled particles, does not mean matter, energy, or information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light. We cannot change the wave function collapse, therefore we couldn't send information instantaneously. Relativity is not violated.

Not yet but we don't understand quantum mechanics yet either.

What we do know is that in the natural universe it's possible for something to travel instantaneously from one place to another.
Bohr versus Einstein, arguably the greatest scientific debate of the 20th century.

Just because the quantum wave function collapse is instantaneous between two widely separated entangled particles, does not mean matter, energy, or information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light. We cannot change the wave function collapse, therefore we couldn't send information instantaneously. Relativity is not violated.

Not yet but we don't understand quantum mechanics yet either.

What we do know is that in the natural universe it's possible for something to travel instantaneously from one place to another.

This is probably how aliens are able to visit Earth.
Not yet but we don't understand quantum mechanics yet either.

What we do know is that in the natural universe it's possible for something to travel instantaneously from one place to another.

This is probably how aliens are able to visit Earth.
Sheer speculation and fanciful guesswork don't cut the mustard.

Special relativity, and it's consequences aka the speed of light, only applies to matter, energy, and information.

As far as I know, special relativity doesn't apply to the collapse of the quantum wave function. Since you can't control the collapse of the wave function you can't manipulate it to send information.

W e have never seen the slightest evidence relativity can be violated, and while we don't understand everything about quantum mechanics it is a mature science that we have a reasonably good grasp on.
Sheer speculation and fanciful guesswork don't cut the mustard.

Special relativity, and it's consequences aka the speed of light, only applies to matter, energy, and information.

As far as I know, special relativity doesn't apply to the collapse of the quantum wave function. Since you can't control the collapse of the wave function you can't manipulate it to send information.

W e have never seen the slightest evidence relativity can be violated, and while we don't understand everything about quantum mechanics it is a mature science that we have a reasonably good grasp on.

Relativity only applies to things in a vacuum.

Remove the vacuum and you remove the problem.

Outside of that we already know things can travel faster than the speed of light so that speed is possible.

Remember that everything is impossible until someone figures out how to do it.
Relativity only applies to things in a vacuum.

Remove the vacuum and you remove the problem.

Outside of that we already know things can travel faster than the speed of light so that speed is possible.

Remember that everything is impossible until someone figures out how to do it.

No, relativity is a fundamental law of nature.

You're thinking of the speed of light in a vacuum, which is different than the speed of light in a gas or liquid.

Accelerating mass to the speed of light requires an infinite amount of energy. That is a fundamental law of nature. That's why only massless photons maintain that velocity. Every other known lepton and force carrier in the standard model of particle physics never move at the speed of light.
No, relativity is a fundamental law of nature.

You're thinking of the speed of light in a vacuum, which is different than the speed of light in a gas or liquid.

Accelerating mass to the speed of light requires an infinite amount of energy. That is a fundamental law of nature. That's why only massless photons maintain that velocity. Every other known lepton and force carrier in the standard model of particle physics never move at the speed of light.

The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.
The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.
That is not a violation of relativity.

The speed of light only applies to matter and energy. Not to empty space. The creation of additional empty space in the void between galaxies is not constrained by relativity. That it how the the far distant and unobservable universe is receding away from earth at speeds faster than light.
That is not a violation of relativity.

The speed of light only applies to matter and energy. Not to empty space. The creation of additional empty space in the void between galaxies is not constrained by relativity. That it how the the far distant and unobservable universe is receding away from earth at speeds faster than light.

An Italian experiment has unveiled evidence that fundamental particles known as neutrinos can travel faster than light.

https://www.scientificamerican.com/...ent has unveiled,can travel faster than light.

Particles are atoms, made of matter.
Your article is from 2011, ancient by the standards of particle physics science, and the claims of the research have never been corroborated.

Are you goat posting under this Tinkerbell screen name?

What about Tachyon particles?

Maybe you would be wise to admit we don't know everything yet.

We once believed the sun revolved around the earth.
What about Tachyon particles?

Maybe you would be wise to admit we don't know everything yet.

We once believed the sun revolved around the earth.

Tachyon particles only exist in theoretical mathmatics, have never been observed, and are widely thought to not actually exist in nature.

The reason you sound like goat is that even after repeatedly being shown he was wrong about science, he would flail around and frantically google in a vain effort to recover. That's your MO too

I generally don't discuss anything with people who constantly change screen names and post under sock puppet and troll accounts, because they are not posting in good faith and are practicing deception.
Tachyon particles only exist in theoretical mathmatics, have never been observed, and are widely thought to not actually exist in nature.

The reason you sound like goat is that even after repeatedly being shown he was wrong about science, he would flail around and frantically google in a vain effort to recover. That's your MO too

I generally don't discuss anything with people who constantly change screen names and post under sock puppet and troll accounts, because they are not posting in good faith and are practicing deception.

I am me, I only have one account here.

I don't need another and I post everyday.

Never heard of this Goat person or seen anything from him.

Many people have the same beliefs and arguments you know but whatever.

Have the mods check my IP address and they will tell you there is only one account on my internet registered here.

I stand by my arguments regardless of who you think I am.
I am me, I only have one account here.

I don't need another and I post everyday.

Never heard of this Goat person or seen anything from him.

Many people have the same beliefs and arguments you know but whatever.

Have the mods check my IP address and they will tell you there is only one account on my internet registered here.

I stand by my arguments regardless of who you think I am.

Bye goat troll
Relativity only applies to things in a vacuum.

Remove the vacuum and you remove the problem.

Outside of that we already know things can travel faster than the speed of light so that speed is possible.

Remember that everything is impossible until someone figures out how to do it.

Are you a lunatic?
Just because the quantum wave function collapse is instantaneous between two widely separated entangled particles, does not mean matter, energy, or information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light. We cannot change the wave function collapse, therefore we couldn't send information instantaneously. Relativity is not violated.

Now, can you explain why? (don't worry, no one thinks you can unless you google it)
I am me, I only have one account here.

I don't need another and I post everyday.

Never heard of this Goat person or seen anything from him.

Don't worry about it. Cypress and Doc Dutch have limited capabilities to discuss any topic and when you have found their limit they will start insulting you personally or trying to figure out what "sock accounts" you have. It's a stupid game but given the players understandable.

Many people have the same beliefs and arguments you know but whatever.

Cypress CANNOT ABIDE anyone disagreeing with him. It's because he's a surficial thinker. He buys books on Amazon, stares at them and then name-drops as if he understood what he read. As such you are not allowed to disagree with him or he will pitch a fit and scream.

Have the mods check my IP address and they will tell you there is only one account on my internet registered here.

That would ruin the game for Cypress.

I stand by my arguments regardless of who you think I am.

Once Cypress sets to this line of personal attack you won't get him to engage on the topic anymore. Just toss in the towel, Cypress lost. And now he's just going to whine and bitch at you.