Until about 18 months ago...


Staff member
I had contracted with my employer, I had about 10 guys under me that worked as a contracted unit. I believed that the economy was going south, I negotiated a transfer, took a pay cut of my own, and we became employees.

I am glad I did this, recently the company fired all contracted workers. There are 10 people employed today that I've worked with for over a decade who are still employed who would not be otherwise.

I just wanted to toot my own horn...

A self horn tooter? Will suprises never end?

I guess Damo did listen to me more than he will ever admit. toot toot.
A self horn tooter? Will suprises never end?

I guess Damo did listen to me more than he will ever admit. toot toot.
The difference between you and I?

I don't take credit for something I didn't participate in.

When you started "warning" us about this I laughed at you because you were 'predicting' what we all knew already. Why do you find that so hard to remember?

You entertain me, but you are no sage.

Oh, I know. You're old.
The difference between you and I?

I don't take credit for something I didn't participate in.

When you started "warning" us about this I laughed at you because you were 'predicting' what we all knew already. Why do you find that so hard to remember?

You entertain me, but you are no sage.

Oh, I know. You're old.

:rolleyes: Like you are a spring chicken,damo...c'mon ya have kids pre teen etc...uh huh pops ya are a twenty something...lmao!
The difference between you and I?

I don't take credit for something I didn't participate in.

When you started "warning" us about this I laughed at you because you were 'predicting' what we all knew already. Why do you find that so hard to remember?

You entertain me, but you are no sage.

Oh, I know. You're old.

Do I really need to dig up quotes? Yall predicted an adjustment in the market....
Ohh you were not so bad about it but those in your "rep club" were.

Btw it was a bit over 18 months ago when I bought gold and got out of the high risk market.
Do I really need to dig up quotes? Yall predicted an adjustment in the market....
Ohh you were not so bad about it but those in your "rep club" were.

Btw it was a bit over 18 months ago when I bought gold and got out of the high risk market.
BS, I spent the past four years telling people to buy gold because the stuff was going to hit the fan.

You really do have a short memory, old man.
Why does it pain some people so much that usc was right about so much?
It doesn't pain me that he was right, it pains me that he was too stupid to recognize agreement and gentle mocking of his powerful "predictive" skills as a bit late.
I said you were not a main heckler of me Damo. But you know who I type about.
And you did your best to defend them.
Party rules.
I said you were not a main heckler of me Damo. But you know who I type about.
And you did your best to defend them.
Party rules.
LOL. True dat.

There is somebody who said you were wrong, but they weren't in my political party. They were in yours.


I did heckle you a bit on predicting what I thought was obvious, but not too heavily. Mostly I let the threads just go and laughed at Toppy.
LOL. True dat.

There is somebody who said you were wrong, but they weren't in my political party. They were in yours.


I did heckle you a bit on predicting what I thought was obvious, but not too heavily. Mostly I let the threads just go and laughed at Toppy.

SF ? Cawacko?

Sf did come around about a year ago that things might be getting bad. might.

I think you refer to toppy? If so we never really accepted him after he defected from yours. something about his use of turbo libs and such.
SF ? Cawacko?

Sf did come around about a year ago that things might be getting bad. might.

I think you refer to toppy? If so we never really accepted him after he defected from yours. something about his use of turbo libs and such.
He's yours regardless.

SF spoke of how he hoped it would be handled to stave off a larger problem. Unfortunately it was mishandled.
He's yours regardless.

SF spoke of how he hoped it would be handled to stave off a larger problem. Unfortunately it was mishandled.

No one wants to claim poor toppy.
He voted for Bush first I think.

SF first spoke of yeah well an adjustment everynow and then happens....
SF did come around to realizing most of what was coming about a year ago.
But obviously he did not realize too much of it, he did not properly arrange his investments from the losses he has spoken of.
No one wants to claim poor toppy.
He voted for Bush first I think.

SF first spoke of yeah well an adjustment everynow and then happens....
SF did come around to realizing most of what was coming about a year ago.
But obviously he did not realize too much of it, he did not properly arrange his investments from the losses he has spoken of.
Actually, when the buy and holders lost 50% of their value in investment the investment plan he has grew by 23%.

They were certainly ready for this.