Up in smoke

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Scientists from the University of Michigan discovered marijuana use was associated with a lower response to a monetary reward.

The study's senior author, neuroscientist Dr. Mary Heitzeg said: "This means that something that would be rewarding to most people was no longer rewarding to them."

The researchers concentrated on the moment the subjects anticipated a potential monetary reward.

They found that the amount of dopamine, the "pleasure chemical", produced by the part of the brain responsible for reward, the nucleus accumbens, reduces over time due to marijuana usage.

Dr. Heitzeg added: ""It changes your brain in a way that may change your behavior, and where you get your sense of reward from."


More than 30 people had to be taken to hospitals in New York after a mass-overdose of synthetic marijuana, police have said.

They collapsed or were barely able to walk after smoking K2.
