UPDATE! I went to the Store at 6am ...


Verified User
... still no bread, but I was able to get most of what was on my Shopping List.
Laundry Detergent was at the top. Frozen Fruit and bananas were plentiful.
ALERT: There was a line stretching from the front to the back, maybe 20 people. I asked 'what was the line all about?'
Was informed it was a bunch of Deplorables waiting for the toilet paper shipment to arrive. (how many times do these people shit per day?

In and out in 20 minutes. :thumbsup:
... still no bread, but I was able to get most of what was on my Shopping List.
Laundry Detergent was at the top. Frozen Fruit and bananas were plentiful.
ALERT: There was a line stretching from the front to the back, maybe 20 people. I asked 'what was the line all about?'
Was informed it was a bunch of Deplorables waiting for the toilet paper shipment to arrive. (how many times do these people shit per day?

In and out in 20 minutes. :thumbsup:

You didn't expose yourself, did you?
... still no bread, but I was able to get most of what was on my Shopping List.
Laundry Detergent was at the top. Frozen Fruit and bananas were plentiful.
ALERT: There was a line stretching from the front to the back, maybe 20 people. I asked 'what was the line all about?'
Was informed it was a bunch of Deplorables waiting for the toilet paper shipment to arrive. (how many times do these people shit per day?

In and out in 20 minutes. :thumbsup:
Do you have a bakery outlet in town? We filled the car yesterday....and will make PBJ samdwiches later today...( 3 loaves for $1) The rest go to the little free pantries...we've been doing that way before this all started...
Over here it is toilet paper and disinfectants people are stocking up on, though you never know what nonsense will be next. The first hour of the day in stores is now to be reserved for the over-seventies, who are being threatened with some sort of house-arrest from Monday (we'll see how long that will last). My one-year-old granddaughter and her parents have the lurgy, so we can't visit for the birthday, and pretty well everything worth going to has been shut down. Johnson and his mates are like pigs in clover, spending like there's no tomorrow now there's no austerity any more. You've got a good time coming! :)
Over here it is toilet paper and disinfectants people are stocking up on, though you never know what nonsense will be next. The first hour of the day in stores is now to be reserved for the over-seventies, who are being threatened with some sort of house-arrest from Monday (we'll see how long that will last). My one-year-old granddaughter and her parents have the lurgy, so we can't visit for the birthday, and pretty well everything worth going to has been shut down. Johnson and his mates are like pigs in clover, spending like there's no tomorrow now there's no austerity any more. You've got a good time coming! :)

Yes. Deficits don't matter any more. (But, this IS a global pandemic, so what else can you do?)
Over here it is toilet paper and disinfectants people are stocking up on, though you never know what nonsense will be next. The first hour of the day in stores is now to be reserved for the over-seventies, who are being threatened with some sort of house-arrest from Monday (we'll see how long that will last). My one-year-old granddaughter and her parents have the lurgy, so we can't visit for the birthday, and pretty well everything worth going to has been shut down. Johnson and his mates are like pigs in clover, spending like there's no tomorrow now there's no austerity any more. You've got a good time coming! :)

Nobody has newspapers anymore, not so easy wiping your arse on an iPad.
They have a vaccine being trialled and anti-virals etc that are good to go. It's spineless jellyfish like you that have made this far worse.

If Trump said it ... it must be true.

Like Barnum (or maybe it was Bailey) said "There's one born every minute".
They have a vaccine being trialled and anti-virals etc that are good to go. It's spineless jellyfish like you that have made this far worse.

There is nothing 'good to go'. And there wont be until 2021. Get real. There are trials, that's it and nothing will be rolled out for the masses right away. It will go to the health care workers first or those in the elite first, hard to say but you and I? Way the fuck later. Stop judging people while sitting at your keyboard like the basement warrior we ALL KNOW YOU ARE or you could and then everyone will know who the assholes are.

All good.
If Trump said it ... it must be true.

Like Barnum (or maybe it was Bailey) said "There's one born every minute".

It's an election year ffs, why would anybody want to destroy the fucking economy to please scared rabbits like you otherwise?
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There is nothing 'good to go'. And there wont be until 2021. Get real. There are trials, that's it and nothing will be rolled out for the masses right away. It will go to the health care workers first or those in the elite first, hard to say but you and I? Way the fuck later. Stop judging people while sitting at your keyboard like the basement warrior we ALL KNOW YOU ARE or you could and then everyone will know who the assholes are.

All good.

Oh do shut the fuck up, you're just talking out of your arse. You can buy Chloroquine over the counter, it's been around since the late forties! Remdesivir is already being used on acute patients and HIV anti-virals do not require protracted trials. China has approved the use of the antiviral drug favilavir to treat symptoms of COVID-19 and there are others in the pipeline. They managed to get a vaccine out for Ebola in just over four months so don't give me your bullshit. You miserable bastards ought to be happy but none of you are.


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There is nothing 'good to go'. And there wont be until 2021. Get real. There are trials, that's it and nothing will be rolled out for the masses right away. It will go to the health care workers first or those in the elite first, hard to say but you and I? Way the fuck later. Stop judging people while sitting at your keyboard like the basement warrior we ALL KNOW YOU ARE or you could and then everyone will know who the assholes are.

All good.


... still no bread, but I was able to get most of what was on my Shopping List.
Laundry Detergent was at the top. Frozen Fruit and bananas were plentiful.
ALERT: There was a line stretching from the front to the back, maybe 20 people. I asked 'what was the line all about?'
Was informed it was a bunch of Deplorables waiting for the toilet paper shipment to arrive. (how many times do these people shit per day?

In and out in 20 minutes. :thumbsup:

The hoarders and panickers are kind of pissing me off. A substantial fraction of them look like Trump voters. Surprising how quickly they panicked since Trump-Fox told them COVID-19 was largely contained and not any different than the common cold
:) Things were normal until the Deplorables were informed the Virus was REAL. Then, they all ran out and bought toilet paper at the same time. Maybe in a week they'll have all the toilet paper they can find room for?