Update: Prepackaged News


Villified User

Tuesday, February 14, 2006; Page A13

How much is good press worth? To the Bush administration, about $1.6 billion.

That's how much seven federal departments spent from 2003 through the second quarter of 2005 on 343 contracts with public relations firms, advertising agencies, media organizations and individuals, according to a new Government Accountability Office report.

The 154-page report provides the most comprehensive look to date at the scope of federal spending in an area that generated substantial controversy last year. Congressional Democrats asked the GAO to look into federal public relations contracts last spring at the height of the furor over government-sponsored prepackaged news and journalism-for-sale.

Armstrong Williams, the conservative commentator, had been unmasked as a paid administration promoter who received $186,000 from the Education Department to speak favorably about President Bush's No Child Left Behind law in broadcast appearances.

Around the same time, a spat erupted between the GAO and the White House over whether the government's practice of feeding TV stations prepackaged, ready-to-air news stories that touted administration policies (but did not disclose the government as the source) amounted to "covert propaganda." The GAO said that it did. The administration disagreed, saying spreading information about federal programs is part of the agencies' mission, and that the burden of disclosure falls on the TV stations.

I contacted Armstrong Williams for a piece of research I was doing on this very topic. There is a plethora of examples of the Bush administration buying media in direct violation of propaganda laws, as was determined by the GAO.
Pretty sad whne you have to PAY people to say nice things.

If you can afford it, RJS says, why not? I have thrown a few extra bucks at the newspaper boy so he tells my chic of the week that I am a ok guy, and I have done the same thing with my dry-cleaner, they are grateful and the chics are happy, what is the problem? You mean-spirited libs are jealous, that is what I am sussing out here, how am I doing, right as usual?
Yeah pay for it with someone elses money to screw them ?

Kinda like having to pay for the wifes lawyer when she divorces you :)
Yeah pay for it with someone elses money to screw them ?

Kinda like having to pay for the wifes lawyer when she divorces you :)

Only a lib would complain about something like this? RJS knows how to treat the ladies, you will notice you never see me cyber-skewering the lefty ladies like Lady T and Darla, there is a reason for that, it is because I am a gentleman? And when one of my women wants to leave me, and belive me many have wanted to, I pay full reloaction expenses, it is only fair? Leave it to a lefty half and half man to bawk at it, is it any wonder that your lefty babes chat with me all of the time, and that is what really drives you lib men crazy, tell the truth, it will feel good?

Only a lib would complain about something like this? RJS knows how to treat the ladies, you will notice you never see me cyber-skewering the lefty ladies like Lady T and Darla, there is a reason for that, it is because I am a gentleman? And when one of my women wants to leave me, and belive me many have wanted to, I pay full reloaction expenses, it is only fair? Leave it to a lefty half and half man to bawk at it, is it any wonder that your lefty babes chat with me all of the time, and that is what really drives you lib men crazy, tell the truth, it will feel good?

Good Lord another Casanova wannabee...notice the comment bolded...I am pretty sure this also applies to conservative women as well...then again very few deal with a 'Paper Boy' or local dry cleaners....:rolleyes:
I do not think that a man can be a lesbian, butt, I do love women, yes, leave it to a lefty male to find something wrong with that?
and we know you are a man how ?

Actually you are so bizarre that most of us are not even sure what species you are, let alone gender.
Good Lord another Casanova wannabee...notice the comment bolded...I am pretty sure this also applies to conservative women as well...then again very few deal with a 'Paper Boy' or local dry cleaners....:rolleyes:

Who are the other casanova wannabees on here, in your opinion, you lefty fool? Everyone knows that RJS is the one the chics flock to, here?
and we know you are a man how ?

Actually you are so bizarre that most of us are not even sure what species you are, let alone gender.

I can post a picture of my genitilias, along with my thumb so you will know it is mine, if Damocles says it is ok to do it? I do not want to get banned, and maybe that is what you are trying to trick me into doing, butt, you better get up earlier tomorrow if you are trying to pull the blue dress over mensa man's eyes, this is not The Hillary you are dealing with, capsica?
Who are the other casanova wannabees on here, in your opinion, you lefty fool? Everyone knows that RJS is the one the chics flock to, here?
yeah but I am not talking about the ones with claws on their feet and covered with feathers. They chase like heck after a june bug too :)
I can post a picture of my genitilias, along with my thumb so you will know it is mine, if Damocles says it is ok to do it? I do not want to get banned, and maybe that is what you are trying to trick me into doing, butt, you better get up earlier tomorrow if you are trying to pull the blue dress over mensa man's eyes, this is not The Hillary you are dealing with, capsica?

You would probably post the evidence picture of clowntoons private parts. I know you have it hanging on your bathroom wall.