Urban climate data collected from mobile phone battery temp sensors

If it works. LOL you think?
That's the point. The battery temp of a device sitting in the pocket of a person in an air conditioned office is a useless measurment

No wonder lefties are enthralled with it. It is like a weather station sitting on top of a tar covered roof next to an air conditioning unit.
If it works. LOL you think?
That's the point. The battery temp of a device sitting in the pocket of a person in an air conditioned office is a useless measurment

Lots of people aren't in a/c offices though; the study will have to adjust for anomalies and what not.

Read about a scientist who wanted to measure the level of streams over time, but had limited funding. He put sticks in the streams and a sign next to them asking people to text him the water level if they were hiking there. He got a pretty good set of data; but did have to throw out numbers that made no sense - if 4 people said it was 3 feet and someone that same day said it was 6 feet, he'd toss the 6 feet.
Lots of people aren't in a/c offices though; the study will have to adjust for anomalies and what not.

Read about a scientist who wanted to measure the level of streams over time, but had limited funding. He put sticks in the streams and a sign next to them asking people to text him the water level if they were hiking there. He got a pretty good set of data; but did have to throw out numbers that made no sense - if 4 people said it was 3 feet and someone that same day said it was 6 feet, he'd toss the 6 feet.

That is a bogus study as it suffers from selection bias. Just calling something science doesn't make it science. Bogus science is bogus science.
huh. That's cool if it works.

According to the second article, they found them within 1.5 degrees C (2.7 F)

given the global warming fear mongers are talking about changes of 0.12 degrees per decade, I would say they have a very very long way to go before using this type of data. I can't see how they will be able to adjust given it will matter if the phone is in a pocket (thus exposed to body heat), in a purse (thus not exposed to sunlight/airflow... not to mention the color of the purse would matter if the purse was exposed to the sun), in a car (where in the car), etc... Way too many unknown variables in my opinion.
So what? Apparently you think this has been used for global warming research? It mentioned nothing about that. It's being developed for localizing day to day weather predictions and reporting. There are other sensors on new phones that can be used to determine whether the person is in an air conditioned room or not.
who is pretending that Desh?

What was the point? This has not even been used yet. The paper suggests that it could be used for localizing weather reports/predictions. So? This should be in off topic where it would be of interest to technology nerds.
What was the point? This has not even been used yet. The paper suggests that it could be used for localizing weather reports/predictions. So? This should be in off topic where it would be of interest to technology nerds.

The point was Desh was pretending something was said that was not said, which is why I asked her who she had seen say that... because someone must have in her fantasy world.
The point was Desh was pretending something was said that was not said, which is why I asked her who she had seen say that... because someone must have in her fantasy world.

Oh, so the whole thread was just a trap for desh? Very elaborate.

I know you did not post it, but you seem to want to defend it. Desh's point seems valid to the ACTUAL story and the one the "speed readers" imagined. You can calibrate the cellphone data to other data collection points. Doing so would make it very easy to predict with a high degree of certainty whether the cellphone was inside or out.
Oh, so the whole thread was just a trap for desh? Very elaborate.

I know you did not post it, but you seem to want to defend it. Desh's point seems valid to the ACTUAL story and the one the "speed readers" imagined. You can calibrate the cellphone data to other data collection points. Doing so would make it very easy to predict with a high degree of certainty whether the cellphone was inside or out.

No String... my initial response was to Tek. Desh jumped in claiming someone had said something. I asked her to clarify who had said it.
Oh, so the whole thread was just a trap for desh? Very elaborate.

I know you did not post it, but you seem to want to defend it. Desh's point seems valid to the ACTUAL story and the one the "speed readers" imagined. You can calibrate the cellphone data to other data collection points. Doing so would make it very easy to predict with a high degree of certainty whether the cellphone was inside or out.

That said, tell us what you think desh's point was? She stated 'why are you pretending this is the only way data is collected'. NO ONE stated any such belief. Her comment in NO way is valid.
That said, tell us what you think desh's point was? She stated 'why are you pretending this is the only way data is collected'. NO ONE stated any such belief. Her comment in NO way is valid.

It is valid. The paper is intended to explain how the data can be calibrated.

While Robinson says his multitude of mobile phones can provide large amounts of data, individual areas still need to be fine-tuned using existing weather stations before the incoming information can be usable for weather prediction.

““The challenge is whether we can take this technique and use it in places where we don’t already have reliable weather information to retune the model,” said Robinson. "That's something we're still working on."”

I don't know if she intended it for you or not but this does offer incite in how you can avoid the data being skewed by the phone being in your pocket or with you in an air conditioned room.

I was asking for the general point of this thread, not specifically about your response to desh. But, I quoted your response, so sorry for the confusion.

Being accurate to 1.5 degrees is pretty good for a weather app. You did not post the article but you joined in on the misreading/misrepresentation of the application by stating...

given the global warming fear mongers are talking about changes of 0.12 degrees per decade, I would say they have a very very long way to go before using this type of data.
It is valid. The paper is intended to explain how the data can be calibrated.

While Robinson says his multitude of mobile phones can provide large amounts of data, individual areas still need to be fine-tuned using existing weather stations before the incoming information can be usable for weather prediction.

““The challenge is whether we can take this technique and use it in places where we don’t already have reliable weather information to retune the model,” said Robinson. "That's something we're still working on."”

I don't know if she intended it for you or not but this does offer incite in how you can avoid the data being skewed by the phone being in your pocket or with you in an air conditioned room.

I was asking for the general point of this thread, not specifically about your response to desh. But, I quoted your response, so sorry for the confusion.

Being accurate to 1.5 degrees is pretty good for a weather app. You did not post the article but you joined in on the misreading/misrepresentation of the application by stating...

given the global warming fear mongers are talking about changes of 0.12 degrees per decade, I would say they have a very very long way to go before using this type of data.

Perhaps you are having a hard time with reading comprehension... tell us how DESH's comment was relevant. NO ONE stated or was pretending this is the only way data was collected. THAT was her comment. So tell us, how was her comment relevant?
Perhaps you are having a hard time with reading comprehension... tell us how DESH's comment was relevant. NO ONE stated or was pretending this is the only way data was collected. THAT was her comment. So tell us, how was her comment relevant?

Because it relevant to your and others ignorant statement about how the data would be easily skewed. I already explained that, twice. But you lack the necessary attention span to fully read something once, which probably caused you to miss that like you missed the fact that this story has jack shit to do with global warming.