APP - URGENT READ: Don't let the left revise history

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
In the wake of the Mueller nothing burger it seems the left wing media has a new narrative they are pushing.

And that is that President Trump denied "russian interference" all through 2016. I even watched them on PMSNBC ring up quote after quote of Trump saying it.


There is one caveat. These quotes are taken completely out of context and just show how the left has been moving goalposts and conflating issues from day one.

The quotes you will see them playing of President Trump are of him talking about the hacking of the DNC servers. They weren't about "russian meddling" in general, but about a specific act. And the truth is that we still don't really know who hacked the DNC computers because as far as we know they have never been independently been investigated.

The jury is still out on who gave the information to Wikileaks.

You always have to watch the left.
Any wonder the msm is dead ?


But it is amazing how they try to conflate three separate issues

1) Russian Hacking
2) Russian Collusion
3) Russian Meddling

The only thing that Mueller has shown is #3. As far as I can tell, nobody has denied #3 in its most general form. Governments have "meddled" in other country's elections for generations.

However the left is trying to make people believe that all three are the same.
Don...if you are of the opinion that your dear leader...has not been seriously questioning whether Russia actually attempted to influence our election...or that they attempted to inject themselves into our election process...

...then you are either very deluded...or are a Russian bot working the room right now.

You know which it is. The others here either buy into your duping them...or see it for the pathetic nonsense it is.

Hope you are having a good day.

Don...if you are of the opinion that your dear leader...has not been seriously questioning whether Russia actually attempted to influence our election...or that they attempted to inject themselves into our election process...

...then you are either very deluded...or are a Russian bot working the room right now.

You know which it is. The others here either buy into your duping them...or see it for the pathetic nonsense it is.

Hope you are having a good day.


Sorry, but I will not let the left try to rewrite history

1) Russian Hacking - that is what President Trump is being quoted on
2) Russian Collusion - that is what President Trump called a witch hunt
3) Russian Meddling - that is what everyone agrees has gone on for decades

Let me elaborate even further #1 and #2 can fall under #3, but #3 is a very general term.

I appreciate you attempting to defend media malpractice

BTW Russia planned to interfere in 2014 before Trump even decided to run. It is clear to anyone who is paying attention that their entire goal was to hamper and nag Hillary Clinton
Sorry, but I will not let the left try to rewrite history

1) Russian Hacking - that is what President Trump is being quoted on
2) Russian Collusion - that is what President Trump called a witch hunt
3) Russian Meddling - that is what everyone agrees has gone on for decades

Let me elaborate even further #1 and #2 can fall under #3, but #3 is a very general term.

I appreciate you attempting to defend media malpractice

BTW Russia planned to interfere in 2014 before Trump even decided to run. It is clear to anyone who is paying attention that their entire goal was to hamper and nag Hillary Clinton

Don, I repeat:

If you are of the opinion that your dear leader...has not been seriously questioning whether Russia actually attempted to influence our election...or that they attempted to inject themselves into our election process...

...then you are either very deluded...or are a Russian bot working the room right now.

You know which it is. The others here either buy into your duping them...or see it for the pathetic nonsense it is.

By all means...defend him. There have been lots of people in lots of other settings who have made the same mistake...and come to rue it with a vengeance. it if you must.
Don, I repeat:

If you are of the opinion that your dear leader...has not been seriously questioning whether Russia actually attempted to influence our election...or that they attempted to inject themselves into our election process...

...then you are either very deluded...or are a Russian bot working the room right now.

You know which it is. The others here either buy into your duping them...or see it for the pathetic nonsense it is.

By all means...defend him. There have been lots of people in lots of other settings who have made the same mistake...and come to rue it with a vengeance. it if you must.

And I repeat.

Nobody has denied that Russia tries to meddle in our elections. They have meddled for years

But there is ZERO proof that they hacked the DNC Servers as they have not been investigated

There is ZERO evidence that Russia colluded with Donald Trump to win the election.

Those are facts

But, if the left wants to believe that all it takes to win a Presidential election is $100,000 in FaceBook ads then the political consultant class has been turned on its head.

Do you believe that $100,000 in Facebook ads tipped the election?
And I repeat.

Nobody has denied that Russia tries to meddle in our elections. They have meddled for years

But there is ZERO proof that they hacked the DNC Servers as they have not been investigated

This has nothing to do with "proofs." If you are being as open-minded as you are pretending, you should realize that.

If you are saying there is ZERO evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers...or even ATTEMPTED to hack the DNC servers...

...I gotta ask you how you came up with that?

I DEFY you to prove there is zero evidence that the Russians did or did not hack the DNC servers.

There is ZERO evidence that Russia colluded with Donald Trump to win the election.

C'mon, man. Don't do this! If you are saying "There is ZERO evidence THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT...blah, blah, blah...

...say that. Do not say, "There is ZERO evidence that Russia colluded with Donald Trump to win the election" because that is not something you can possibly KNOW.

In fact, there is evidence that Russia and the Trump campaign did at least attempt to collude. (The famous meeting.)

Those are facts

I've adjusted your "facts."

But, if the left wants to believe that all it takes to win a Presidential election is $100,000 in FaceBook ads then the political consultant class has been turned on its head.

I doubt there is anyone on the planet who thinks that...but if you want to revise not only history, but the're gonna have to do a LOT better than these initial attempts on this thread.

Do you believe that $100,000 in Facebook ads tipped the election?

It is my opinion that there is no way $100,000 in Facebook ads could have tipped the election...and I do not know of a single person who has ever suggested such a thing could happen.

This has nothing to do with "proofs." If you are being as open-minded as you are pretending, you should realize that.

If you are saying there is ZERO evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers...or even ATTEMPTED to hack the DNC servers...

...I gotta ask you how you came up with that?

From the news. The only "evidence" was provided by Crowdstrike which is a democrat operative organization. The DNC Servers have NEVER been investigated by US Authorities. Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to turn them over. Don't you find that odd? Or was Jeh Johnson lying?

I DEFY you to prove there is zero evidence that the Russians did or did not hack the DNC servers.

C'mon, man. Don't do this! If you are saying "There is ZERO evidence THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT...blah, blah, blah...

...say that. Do not say, "There is ZERO evidence that Russia colluded with Donald Trump to win the election" because that is not something you can possibly KNOW.

In fact, there is evidence that Russia and the Trump campaign did at least attempt to collude. (The famous meeting.)

Because there is ZERO evidence. Trust me, if there were even one single solitary shred of evidence, it would have been leaked like everything else has been leaked. But, hey don't take my word for it.

Martha Radatz?

Barbara Boxer?

Jim Comey?


I've adjusted your "facts."

I doubt there is anyone on the planet who thinks that...but if you want to revise not only history, but the're gonna have to do a LOT better than these initial attempts on this thread.

It is my opinion that there is no way $100,000 in Facebook ads could have tipped the election...and I do not know of a single person who has ever suggested such a thing could happen.


This is nothing more than a mini coup attempt to paralyze this Presidency by those who can't abide losing elections.
This is nothing more than a mini coup attempt to paralyze this Presidency by those who can't abide losing elections.

Tough to respond to your quotes when you post the way you did here.

Your " me..." lends itself to several humorous remarks that came immediately to mind...but I will forego them.

Your links to what four other people KNOW about any evidence...was interesting...but means nothing.

One...IF THERE WAS COLLUSION...some evidence of it exists. It may not be known to you or to the people in your links...but that does not mean it does not exist.

Two...ALMOST EVERYONE KNOWS THERE WAS AT LEAST AN ATTEMPT AT COLLUSION...because we now know that members of the Trump organization met with Russians expecting to get material they could use in their campaign.

Really, are on the wrong track here. YOU seem to be the one attempting to "revise history."
Tough to respond to your quotes when you post the way you did here.

Your " me..." lends itself to several humorous remarks that came immediately to mind...but I will forego them.

Your links to what four other people KNOW about any evidence...was interesting...but means nothing.

One...IF THERE WAS COLLUSION...some evidence of it exists. It may not be known to you or to the people in your links...but that does not mean it does not exist.

Two...ALMOST EVERYONE KNOWS THERE WAS AT LEAST AN ATTEMPT AT COLLUSION...because we now know that members of the Trump organization met with Russians expecting to get material they could use in their campaign.

Really, are on the wrong track here. YOU seem to be the one attempting to "revise history."

Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that Trump colluded with Russia to tip the election? Do you actually believe it?

Your argument seems to center on that point. It is sort of like saying, even though we haven't seen proof that Big Foot exists, that doesn't mean there isn't evidence. We will just keep looking until we find it. Sorry, but that isn't how our system of justice is supposed to work. I thought you guys would know that.

I am sorry if people who have deeper knowledge on this issue than we do saying that there is no evidence doesn't mean anything to you. Does the mean if Mueller comes out and says there was no collusion you will say "keep looking, I know it is there, you just have to find it"

Take a step back and look at this logically. I know you really want this to be true, but do you really think that something this massive could have been kept a secret? Seriously?
Don...if you are of the opinion that your dear leader...has not been seriously questioning whether Russia actually attempted to influence our election...or that they attempted to inject themselves into our election process...

...then you are either very deluded...or are a Russian bot working the room right now.

You know which it is. The others here either buy into your duping them...or see it for the pathetic nonsense it is.

Hope you are having a good day.


dear leader,it is obvious you must be a person of liberal views,calling the president ,dear leader,is classless ,but coming from a liberal ,well .