US backs Egypt on nuke power

Egypt is one of the borderline countries that we have to deal with as best we can. Nuke power is not the problem, nuke weapons are. Same with Iran.
Every nation has a right to civilian nuclear power, if they want it an can afford it.

That's no problem.

As long as they submit to international law and treaties, to allow their programs to be open to inspection. That's what IAEA does. And that's what the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is.
Cypress does Israel submit to inspections and the USA too ?

Yes, I think every country who is a signatory to the NPT is required to submit to IAEA inspections.

I think - but I might be wrong - Israel isn't a signatory to NPT. Probably, the U.S. gives them diplomatic cover, to not submit to inspections, or sign the treaty. But, I might be wrong about that.

I'm pretty sure Egypt is a signatory to NPT. As are other muslim countries that have, or are considering civilian nuclear power: Indonesia, turkey.
Well, the timing of this doesn't help coming at the time that Iran is asking for the same thing imo...

we help Egypt, when they smuggled in plans and some of the mechanics to make a nuke from a Pakistani Government Nuclear Scientist in the RECENT past.... through the the United Arab Emirates PORT of Dubaii I might add, and now we are going to help Egypt get nuclear Power while we deny Iran the same?

What am I missing? Both countries could still be somewhat risky at pursuing this kind of energy, no?

Or, maybe this is a carrot for Iran, showing Iran that if they become more cooperative, as Egypt has done with the usa the past few years, then they too could get the nuclear power that they want?

Well, the timing of this doesn't help coming at the time that Iran is asking for the same thing imo...

we help Egypt, when they smuggled in plans and some of the mechanics to make a nuke from a Pakistani Government Nuclear Scientist in the RECENT past.... through the the United Arab Emirates PORT of Dubaii I might add, and now we are going to help Egypt get nuclear Power while we deny Iran the same?

What am I missing? Both countries could still be somewhat risky at pursuing this kind of energy, no?

Or, maybe this is a carrot for Iran, showing Iran that if they become more cooperative, as Egypt has done with the usa the past few years, then they too could get the nuclear power that they want?


Good point. I hadn't thought of that.

Could be a carrot to iran. Officially, our policy is that iran does have a right to civilian nuclear power, as long as they play nice by their international treaty obligations.

I think some NeoCons just want war though.
They pretend that they have never read those stories, tobes. That way they can pretend that their ideas are superintelligent and were only thought of by more people with the same ideology.

They can say things like, "We should offer to help them if they'll just let in inspectors!" then all pat each other on the back while totally pretending they didn't read that very proposal 7 months ago from the US to Iran.
Funny Dam, but your are right. Kinda like the asking for deplomacy. Which is what is happening with Egypt. Libs say we need to do it, but fault Bush for when he does it.
They pretend that they have never read those stories, tobes. That way they can pretend that their ideas are superintelligent and were only thought of by more people with the same ideology.

They can say things like, "We should offer to help them if they'll just let in inspectors!" then all pat each other on the back while totally pretending they didn't read that very proposal 7 months ago from the US to Iran.

Really? Where's YOUR PROOF of this presumption and slander? hahahaha! come us some kind of something to back this ever so partisan and judgemental and presumptuous and general statement up!!!

hahahaha...but good going Damo, you should get a +50 extra posts out of that comment! ;)

j/k u

Iran wants to build nuclear weapons anyone who doesn't think so is blind.

On the other hand it doesn't really bother me too much at least within the way things are.

If I had my way all Nuclear weapons would be under the control of an international body. Any attempt by any nation to build them would result in an attack against them.
They pretend that they have never read those stories, tobes. That way they can pretend that their ideas are superintelligent and were only thought of by more people with the same ideology.

They can say things like, "We should offer to help them if they'll just let in inspectors!" then all pat each other on the back while totally pretending they didn't read that very proposal 7 months ago from the US to Iran.

They can say things like, "We should offer to help them if they'll just let in inspectors!" then all pat each other on the back ...

You appear to be unaware that IAEA inspectors are in Iran. right Now. Have been for years.

The issues isn't about "letting inspectors in".

The issue is about applying additional safeguards by the IAEA, because there have been some discrepencies in the Iranian nuke program found by IAEA inspectors.
Really? Where's YOUR PROOF of this presumption and slander? hahahaha! come us some kind of something to back this ever so partisan and judgemental and presumptuous and general statement up!!!

hahahaha...but good going Damo, you should get a +50 extra posts out of that comment! ;)

j/k u

I point to this thread where people have stated, "Everybody has a right, blah, blah, buy the Rs just don't blah, blah..."

Boy that wasn't very hard to find, Care.
They can say things like, "We should offer to help them if they'll just let in inspectors!" then all pat each other on the back ...

You appear to be unaware that IAEA inspectors are in Iran. right Now. Have been for years.

The issues isn't about "letting inspectors in".

The issue is about applying additional safeguards by the IAEA, because there have been some discrepencies in the Iranian nuke program found by IAEA inspectors.

And you don't read what I typed, I said "They can say things LIKE... etc."

Notice the LIKE? It was an example.

People can pretend that it wasn't offered, but all they are doing is pretending.
Iran wants to build nuclear weapons anyone who doesn't think so is blind.

On the other hand it doesn't really bother me too much at least within the way things are.

If I had my way all Nuclear weapons would be under the control of an international body. Any attempt by any nation to build them would result in an attack against them.

It may very well be that Iran wants nuke weapons.

Wanting and actually getting are two different things. I'm not falling for the fear-mongering. Just like at the claims made about Iraq.

Enriching weapons uranium to weapons grade is a tremoundous technical challange for anyone. In particular, a third world country.

This best course of action is to manage this problem. Diplomatically, and through IAEA. Not bomb or invade. Iran, even if it had the technical capacity, is likely years away from a bomb. No need to get carried away on this and make rash decisions.

By the way: IAEA took the unprecendent step last week, of saying the GOP congress was lying about Iran's nuke program.
And you don't read what I typed, I said "They can say things LIKE... etc."

Notice the LIKE? It was an example.

People can pretend that it wasn't offered, but all they are doing is pretending.

I haven't heard any liberals say: "Let the inspectors back into Iran". Not once. So, I'm not sure where you even got that from.

I assumed it was commone knowledge that IAEA inspectors are operating in Iran.
And would we refuse if Iran offered to distill all our gasoline for us if we destroyed all out refineries ? I know a poor example, but I don't think any country likes to be "held hostage " by another country.