US confidence the lowest ever recorded



According to the S&P Case-Shiller house price index, considered as the most authoritative measure of US property values, the price of the average American home fell 1.4 per cent in April from March, and by almost 23 per cent over a three month period.

The rate of the April fall however, had slowed, with the index recording 2 per cent monthly declines in the past. The index measures house prices in 20 metropolitan areas in the US - last month, Miami and Phoenix were the worst performing cities both down 3 per cent.

At the same time, Washington published official figures measuring US consumer confidence in June.

The data showed that Americans had the least confidence in their finances since records began in 1967. If bourne out, Wall Street expects the lack of confidence to translate into a 3 per cent slide in overall consumption.

Consumer demand is critical to the US economy, accounting for around two thirds of growth.

The June consumer confidence index dropped to 50.4 from 58.1, well below the consensus of 56.0.
no doubt. market is totally flat from Jan 3rd 2000 today. we are broken even in 8 years in stocks. Housing is broken even.. and energy and food is triple.
nahh. tough years are behind us. we are due for another tech boom.. this time in alt energy and bio tech life sciences. Just need a new administration that focuses on them and fosters them to get the ball rolling.
Stagnation until we start amking some serious moves to fiscal responsibility.

Its going to be a hard slog to do it now after the mess Bush is leaving.
Which I'm guessing involves tax increases, since desh would die before she considered cutting anything other than military spending.

Entitlement spending (which accounts for 2/3 of our nondiscretionary budget) is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.
Where do you think the money to rebuild our military, infrastructure, fix the healthcare problems, take proper care fo our vets and pay off this massive debt Bush has brought us is going to come from?

Adults pay their bills and dont leave them to their grandchildren to pay.
Adults pay their bills and dont leave them to their grandchildren to pay.

Which is exactly what you are freaking doing!

How can the baby boomers be so dumb they don't see this.

They are seriously fucking us over with these bloated programs that are NOT fiscally feasible.
Which is exactly what you are freaking doing!

How can the baby boomers be so dumb they don't see this.

They are seriously fucking us over with these bloated programs that are NOT fiscally feasible.

So now its my fault when I have not been able to get the government to do what I want the vast majority of my life?

Im the tail end of the baby boom. In the end I will have paid in all my life and likely will get nothing because people Like you want to privitize the shit instead of fixing it.
Where do you think the money to rebuild our military, infrastructure, fix the healthcare problems, take proper care fo our vets and pay off this massive debt Bush has brought us is going to come from?

Adults pay their bills and dont leave them to their grandchildren to pay.

so then how do we save for retirement if our taxes go up.. because thats next thing to cut out. BTW we (as in anyone under 40) dont have pensions.
Where do you think the money to rebuild our military, infrastructure, fix the healthcare problems, take proper care fo our vets and pay off this massive debt Bush has brought us is going to come from?

Adults pay their bills and dont leave them to their grandchildren to pay.

Which is why both parties have raised the debt every year since 1960. All the idiots do in DC is outspend revenues, no matter what their revenues are.

RECORD revenues by the government and they still outspent them. All because they want to continue promising entitlement programs or subsidies or breaks for their respective friends/constituents.
So now its my fault when I have not been able to get the government to do what I want the vast majority of my life?

Im the tail end of the baby boom. In the end I will have paid in all my life and likely will get nothing because people Like you want to privitize the shit instead of fixing it.

If the money had been privatized over the last 30 years, there would be no problem. Privatization does NOT mean you have to put money in the stock market. It means you take the money out of the hands of the politicians so they cannot borrow from the funds and SPEND them.
If the money had been privatized over the last 30 years, there would be no problem. Privatization does NOT mean you have to put money in the stock market. It means you take the money out of the hands of the politicians so they cannot borrow from the funds and SPEND them.

Ok I just mowed and edged the lawn and its so fricking hot Im taking a break before I finish my tasks.

What happens to the family who's main bread earner is disabled at 30?

SS is more than just a savings account.
Ok I just mowed and edged the lawn and its so fricking hot Im taking a break before I finish my tasks.

What happens to the family who's main bread earner is disabled at 30?

SS is more than just a savings account.
Now you are talking about SSI which is Insurance. One could have a more direct method of purchasing insurance, and it definitely should be an option for those who would choose that.