APP - US Hate for the Big Competitors


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Does anyone know how Mueller and the FBI view all this Russia demonizing. Will Mueller's investigation being concluded do anything to defuse it.

We at least know that the Dems won't need it anymore to destroy Trump.

I suspect that the same Cold war demonizing of Russia is going to go on for quite a while because Russia is a competitor to the US economically. The same reason why China must be completely demonized to be an enemy.

Can anyone accept that it's anything more than economic war between the world's powerful countries? Can anyone doubt that's behind Trump's actions concerning China and also Russia? Albeit Trump's methods that will be unsuccessful against the combined will of the big competitors that will come together to fight against Trump's/America's dirty tricks?
You know, instead of viewing the nations of the world as competitors, there is another way to look at it.

Peace, love and understanding.

That's what citizens want. It is the leaders of the world who start wars.
You know, instead of viewing the nations of the world as competitors, there is another way to look at it.

Peace, love and understanding.

That's what citizens want. It is the leaders of the world who start wars.

You express wonderful sentiments. The people of the world are the masters of their governments but haven't acted to make their countries peaceful. Human nature seems to dictate that the people of powerful nations become arrogant with power. The US is the especially egregious example and it's mostly because it's the most powerful. While China, the second most powerful is preferring to flex it's muscle with economic measures at the moment.

I think we're blessed so far with nuclear weapons which represent MAD. That may save us from a large scale war for many years to come but as we speak, the US is considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons on Iran.

I go to every day to check out the articles posted there. Today's has an article on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. You can do that too, besides expressing wonderful sentiments.
You express wonderful sentiments. The people of the world are the masters of their governments but haven't acted to make their countries peaceful. Human nature seems to dictate that the people of powerful nations become arrogant with power. The US is the especially egregious example and it's mostly because it's the most powerful. While China, the second most powerful is preferring to flex it's muscle with economic measures at the moment.

I think we're blessed so far with nuclear weapons which represent MAD. That may save us from a large scale war for many years to come but as we speak, the US is considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons on Iran.

I go to every day to check out the articles posted there. Today's has an article on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. You can do that too, besides expressing wonderful sentiments.

I hope President Trump doesn't start another needless war. Iran would not be the pushover that Iraq was. If you can call it that. He never struck me as responsible enough to be president and have nuclear power. It is sad how many people are so indifferent to this.
I hope President Trump doesn't start another needless war. Iran would not be the pushover that Iraq was. If you can call it that. He never struck me as responsible enough to be president and have nuclear power. It is sad how many people are so indifferent to this.

It's interesting to speculate on how the Iran war will go. I suspect that the US will somehow be able to bullshit Nato into taking part. But the factor that could save Iran is the simple fact that the Zionist apartheid regime will almost certainly be hit hard. Enough to finished the fu--ers off and save the world hopefully!

And then there are the Russia and China superpowers that have already made it clear to the US that it's hands-off Iran where they have economic interests.

I really do see a brave new world on the horizon where the US will be stymied into accepting the world's joint demand of 'NO MORE WARS'.
Hello montgomery,

It's interesting to speculate on how the Iran war will go. I suspect that the US will somehow be able to bullshit Nato into taking part. But the factor that could save Iran is the simple fact that the Zionist apartheid regime will almost certainly be hit hard. Enough to finished the fu--ers off and save the world hopefully!

And then there are the Russia and China superpowers that have already made it clear to the US that it's hands-off Iran where they have economic interests.

I really do see a brave new world on the horizon where the US will be stymied into accepting the world's joint demand of 'NO MORE WARS'.

Well it is scary that Trump is backing out of SALT agreements. That is not a peaceful move. And Putin is all too accepting of it. What a terrible pair of world leaders to preserve fragile peace.