US is the cause of Ukraine’s failures in the war against Russia


New member
I was born and raised in Ukraine but have lived in the US for over 10 years. I don’t know much of what is going on in my motherland but now I’m worried about Ukraine, because of its war against Russia. This is what I don’t understand: why don’t the allies provide the necessary military support to the Ukrainian army? As a matter of fact, the US government sends the old, useless military junk marketing it as the peak of its efforts. As a Ukrainian living in the US, I am disgusted by this hypocrisy happening every day.

Actually, I think none of the politicians intended to give any serious help to Ukrainians in order to fight the Russian aggression. They just want to delay this endless war as it allows them to boost their poll numbers, earn electoral points and distract their own population from internal issues.

I assume that Americans would never even consider provide any real support for Ukraine. The current presidential elections could not change anything here. The main reason is your own greediness and indifference to what happens to other nations. I know what I’m talking about. You think only about how to get richer off conflicts in other countries and are unable to sacrifice your comfort for the sake of other’s wellbeing.

No one asks the US to send their own troops but I believe the most developed countries like the US must share their money and resources with Ukraine. It wouldn’t harm the US if they slightly raise their taxes and prices and the collected money are sent to Ukraine. This country being the American protective shield in Europe by all means deserves such a support from the US.

WWef235 is all over the place with his posts. Half the time he is arguing that we are sending too much, and the other half of the time he is arguing we are sending too little.

The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.
But what do you think: is Ukraine which now has nothing of substance to offer worth the risk of waging a war against Russia? This will be a full-scale disaster for the whole world, not just a bunch of people. And we could definitely avoid this scenario. All it takes is just for us to stop sending weapons to Zelensky.
This problem is very serious and cannot be solved by having more weaponry supplies or funding.
No one asks the US to send their own troops but I believe the most developed countries like the US must share their money and resources with Ukraine. It wouldn’t harm the US if they slightly raise their taxes and prices and the collected money are sent to Ukraine. This country being the American protective shield in Europe by all means deserves such a support from the US.
If Trump were still president we wouldn't be worried or financially slaved to support Ukraine or even Israel for that matter, since there would be zero wars going on over there as there were none during the great leadership of Trump during his term. Bribem has given the $$ support to Iran to complete its nuclear deal and to complete their funding of their terrorist proxies all across that region. Trump will have his work cut out for him when he becomes potus #47 to stop all this madness, and to stop this foreign aggression by our enemies which is looking more and more like we're headed into WW111. Can we survive these next
6 months under the so-called leadership of a sleeping puppet, that is the question?
If Trump were still president we wouldn't be worried or financially slaved to support Ukraine or even Israel for that matter, since there would be zero wars going on over there as there were none during the great leadership of Trump during his term. Bribem has given the $$ support to Iran to complete its nuclear deal and to complete their funding of their terrorist proxies all across that region. Trump will have his work cut out for him when he becomes potus #47 to stop all this madness, and to stop this foreign aggression by our enemies which is looking more and more like we're headed into WW111. Can we survive these next
6 months under the so-called leadership of a sleeping puppet, that is the question?
Suck that Putin cock
I was born and raised in Ukraine but have lived in the US for over 10 years. I don’t know much of what is going on in my motherland but now I’m worried about Ukraine, because of its war against Russia. This is what I don’t understand: why don’t the allies provide the necessary military support to the Ukrainian army? As a matter of fact, the US government sends the old, useless military junk marketing it as the peak of its efforts. As a Ukrainian living in the US, I am disgusted by this hypocrisy happening every day.

Actually, I think none of the politicians intended to give any serious help to Ukrainians in order to fight the Russian aggression. They just want to delay this endless war as it allows them to boost their poll numbers, earn electoral points and distract their own population from internal issues.

I assume that Americans would never even consider provide any real support for Ukraine. The current presidential elections could not change anything here. The main reason is your own greediness and indifference to what happens to other nations. I know what I’m talking about. You think only about how to get richer off conflicts in other countries and are unable to sacrifice your comfort for the sake of other’s wellbeing.

No one asks the US to send their own troops but I believe the most developed countries like the US must share their money and resources with Ukraine. It wouldn’t harm the US if they slightly raise their taxes and prices and the collected money are sent to Ukraine. This country being the American protective shield in Europe by all means deserves such a support from the US.

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This is a disinformation program from one of our foreign enemies

Eat shit you lie filled bot hole right from Putins lower colon
That's what crooked joe bribem has been doing for some time now, sucking Putin's cock.
But you guys are the ones who want Putin To steal Ukraine from its people

You lost idiot

Your packed SCOTUS delivered massive power to Biden not Trump
