US Military Members Are Getting Honest About Donald Trump — Here's What They Had To Say

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Recently, Redditor u/androgynee asked active and reserve US military members to share their thoughts on the Trump administration and the general consensus among their colleagues. Amid Veterans Affairs layoffs and jeopardizing America's relationship with long-standing allies like Canada, here's how veterans and US military members are responding:

1."I'm active duty. My spouse knows and understands that I'd go to prison before supporting any military action against our allies. And even if the US President claims Canada is no longer our ally, it doesn't change the decades of history and friendship that say otherwise. I'm not alone in this thinking, either."

2."I'm 10 years in, some active, now reserve. I've avoided discussing Trump directly at drills. The only consensus reached was, 'This is wild.' I'll be getting out as soon as possible."


The military has been extensively WOKEified over a lot of years, all through the ranks.....of course there are a lot who are hostile to the MAGA counter-revolution......who openly say that they are willing to dishonor their oaths.

I believe in walls and bullets for treason.