US retailers drop Chinese security cameras; China clamps down on virus outbreaks | Ch


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US retailers drop Chinese security cameras; China clamps down on virus outbreaks | China in Focus


Virus cases are on the rise in China. Shanghai Disneyland reportedly tested all of its more than 30,000 visitors Sunday night, after a person carrying the virus visited the park. And they weren’t allowed to leave until the results came back negative.

In one Beijing district, locals are lining up en masse for virus testing. It’s the same area home to the official residence and workplace of the Communist Party’s leader.

Every traffic light in one county is locked on red, while every person in one city is labeled risky. Those are just some of the extreme control measures communist China has adopted to combat the pandemic.

Action by China shows apparent disinterest in tackling climate issues. The absence of its state head at the climate-focused G20 summit proved a disappointment—including for U.S. President Joe Biden.

U.S. retail giants are set to remove some Chinese security cameras. The devices have been linked to human rights abuses in Xinjiang.