US-Sino Currency Rap Battle

cancel2 2022

Next Media Animation aka NMA from Taiwan do some brilliant stuff, here is one of their latest offerings.

[ame=""]YouTube - US-Sino Currency Rap Battle[/ame]
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Just in case my comment was a little obtuse for you I refer to the 'demands' made by the US government that China allows the RMB to float.
Of course it is America that is sick, not China.
Medicine for America would be, in part, to stop believing the world has an obligation to beat a path to your door, to try to understand that to deal with France you must understand the French, to deal with Russia you must understand the Russians and to deal with China you must understand the Chinese. You need agree with none but you must understand them.
At present, to borrow a phrase from the UK, you are a breed of 'Little Americaners'. Small minds and poor knowledge of your potential markets are just two of the things that are holding you back. Sad really when one remembers how you once led the pack.
Just in case my comment was a little obtuse for you I refer to the 'demands' made by the US government that China allows the RMB to float.
Of course it is America that is sick, not China.
Medicine for America would be, in part, to stop believing the world has an obligation to beat a path to your door, to try to understand that to deal with France you must understand the French, to deal with Russia you must understand the Russians and to deal with China you must understand the Chinese. You need agree with none but you must understand them.
At present, to borrow a phrase from the UK, you are a breed of 'Little Americaners'. Small minds and poor knowledge of your potential markets are just two of the things that are holding you back. Sad really when one remembers how you once led the pack.

I see that you're still spewing what your Chinese masters tell you to say.
You kowtow really nice.