US vs Communism can US succeed today as it did against USSR??

cancel2 2022

It happens, as you know, well prob not when you are doing it.:rolleyes: lol

Anyway, this is like we are having to conversations in different languages...

So we are clear-I do not support the actions taken the US & EU against russia related to the Crimea..

Don't agree or support the lies starting w/ East Germany eastward..

My reference to softpower was a reference to China, not russia.......
OK good enough.. glad to hear it

Excellent idea, they must not be allowed to profit off this.

Bill introduced in US Congress to stop predatory acquisitions by China

during Covid-19 pandemic

WASHINGTON: An influential American Congressman on Wednesday introduced a legislation in the House of Representatives that would prevent predatory investments of American companies by the Chinese government. Introduced by Congressman Jim Banks, member of the House Armed Services Committee, the Restricting Predatory Acquisition During COVID-19 Act would expand the scope of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to review purchases by companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Our job is to ensure the Chinese Communist Party does not profit off a pandemic of their own making. President Trump won an election vowing to stop China from taking advantage of Americans. I am glad to be working with him now to stop Chinese predation," Banks said in a statement. The bill proposes to increase the scope of cases the CFIUS reviews and sends to the president prior to a financial transaction. It will prevent companies with ties to the People's Republic of China from owning more than 51 per cent of shares in the critical infrastructure, as defined by the Defense Production Act of 1950, organisations engaged in the production and dissemination of news media, or entities otherwise determined to be critical to national security, critical infrastructure, or culturally significant by the president. Congressman Sharice Davids on Wednesday introduced a legislation to rapidly increase the supply of equipment like face masks, hospital gowns, ventilators and testing materials needed to fight the coronavirus and keep the frontline workers safe. The bill would also promote manufacturing these goods in the United States. "We have seen first hand that relying on China to produce the vast majority of medical equipment we use in the US is a big problem," Davids said. "It has led to shortages, price gouging and a surge...

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