USA Cops out of control ???


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It’s like they are the new “ brown shirts “

Beating up citizens for not staying 6 feet away or Having a mask
They have attacked Jews and Blacks violently in NYC and killed a sleeping black lady as they Invaded the wrong house again. This was KY

Too many rogue and red neck cops and the people are going to be fighting back and I hate too see hundreds of dead cops as a result
It’s like they are the new “ brown shirts “

Beating up citizens for not staying 6 feet away or Having a mask
They have attacked Jews and Blacks violently in NYC and killed a sleeping black lady as they Invaded the wrong house again. This was KY

Too many rogue and red neck cops and the people are going to be fighting back and I hate too see hundreds of dead cops as a result

Nobody is going to fight back though. They'll just bend over and take it up the ass.
...then have the cop fired through the legal system. It's interesting to see you support the BLM movement. Kudos!

Funny I hate Dems but I sympathize with BLM on some level
I find the US police force out of control like those old brown shirts
Trust me : American people can only take so much abuse
I support Trump but I can see the insane abuse.of red neck cops
I will never forget Eric Gardner and what several coward cops did
They killed him and got away even in NYC
Really? Are you going to be doing that yourself??
I am a man of law. I like a good yearly street fight but I only kill insects
I am trying to express that every reaction has an equal and opposite one ..just like Newtonian physics
I am hoping the abuse stops and I am against blood
I am a man of law. I like a good yearly street fight but I only kill insects
I am trying to express that every reaction has an equal and opposite one ..just like Newtonian physics
I am hoping the abuse stops and I am against blood

Sounds like you've discussed with your group's lawyer. ;)

I, on the other hand, openly support Thomas Jefferson's opinion on the matter: " what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure."

I'm retired military and, most definitely, do not recommend ending up like this fucking moron who murdered innocent people.

Cops who illegally kill must be given the death sentence ..we cannot have a nation of rogue cops exterminating folks they don’t like
They’re are not the Delta Force

They're not going to be though. It's pointless to argue for it, you may as well appeal to a thunderstorm.
Too bad you're against guns, eh? Maybe TPTB would take more notice of a population of wolves, not sheep.

I am against guns. They make our society a lot more dangerous. You have guns, go straighten out the police. See how far that gets you. I am pro-law. Cops should have to follow it too.