USC: Hoping for a Blue Kentucky


Will work for Scooby snacks
KY-02, 03, 04: Hoping for a Blue Kentucky this year
by kos
Thu Nov 02, 2006 at 12:17:56 PM PST

Democrats are leading in the polls in KY-02, KY-03, and KY-04.

If this Southern state shocks the political world by delivering three House seats to the Democrats, it would turn the delegation from 5-1 Republican to 4-2 Democratic. Throw in Rep. Chandler's probable ascension to the Governorship next year, and we've got the makings of some good things down there....
Yep, things are looking up as I knew they would once people figured out what the Bushites were all about. Now if we can just trade out a senator next time around......