using the system

Top Commerce and Treasury Departments officials appeared with Republican candidates and doled out millions in federal money in battleground congressional districts and states after receiving White House political briefings detailing GOP election strategy.

Political appointees in the Treasury Department received at least 10 political briefings from July 2001 to August 2006, officials familiar with the meetings said. Their counterparts at the Commerce Department received at least four briefings — all in the election years of 2002, 2004 and 2006.
What bothers me most, I suppose, is the fact that we're all so used to the idea they were doing this that there will be almost no outrage at all.
If our media was doing its job this president we be facing impeachment on several fronts.

Now can any of you people who say the Dems are just as bad tell me why the Corporations have worked so hard to try and lock them out of the system?

They are not perfect by any means but they at this point are our best hope to end this madness.
If our media was doing its job this president we be facing impeachment on several fronts.

Now can any of you people who say the Dems are just as bad tell me why the Corporations have worked so hard to try and lock them out of the system?

They are not perfect by any means but they at this point are our best hope to end this madness.

Dems do this stuff too, that's why they're not raising a fuss. You need to get over your republican / democrat false dichotomy.
Dems do this stuff too, that's why they're not raising a fuss. You need to get over your republican / democrat false dichotomy.

Is that way the media did a KILL JOB on Dean?

Is that why the Media Beat the drums to this idiotic war?

Is that why all the efforts to destroy our voting system to the detriment of Dems?

Are dems corruptable? HELL YES!

So why is it they dont just buy whoever the people vote in?

Because the Rs are easier to buy because their Aims are the same as the Corps.

This is why its worth it to them to help the Rs however they can.
Is that way the media did a KILL JOB on Dean?

Is that why the Media Beat the drums to this idiotic war?

Is that why all the efforts to destroy our voting system to the detriment of Dems?

Are dems corruptable? HELL YES!

So why is it they dont just buy whoever the people vote in?

Because the Rs are easier to buy because their Aims are the same as the Corps.

This is why its worth it to them to help the Rs however they can.

Dont forget about the media blackout of Kucinich. The only candidate who has guts enough to tell the truth and oppose the corporate takeover of our country. If he gains momentum I fear for his life.

Wasting my hard earned pitence(sp) is bad enough.... but wasting it to further the cause of wasting more of it? While I appriciate cosmic irony, that sentance alone is enough to cause some burst capilaries.
Is that way the media did a KILL JOB on Dean?

Is that why the Media Beat the drums to this idiotic war?

Is that why all the efforts to destroy our voting system to the detriment of Dems?

Are dems corruptable? HELL YES!

So why is it they dont just buy whoever the people vote in?

Because the Rs are easier to buy because their Aims are the same as the Corps.

This is why its worth it to them to help the Rs however they can.

Dumbass, they do kill jobs on ron paul, anyone who's not lockstep with their agenda. DOn't get that special feeling.
Cut their balls off if they did.

I could not think of a more wasteful and fraudulent use of our tax dollars if I tried.
Can you show me where a Democrat has done this, AssZombie, or are you just pulling shit out of your ass(zombie)?