Utah NG troops are illegally deployed on the WH lawn RIGHT NOW.


Verified User
Utah NG troops are illegally deployed on the WH lawn RIGHT NOW.

The UCMJ does not protect him, because he is having to follow an unlawful order. Trump has not invoked the Insurrection at that gives him the legal authority to mobilize the NG unit. He has no authority to deploy any troops on American soil without invoking the A

Congress could authorize, which it has not.

The May could ask for the deployment of the unit but has not.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a letter this past Tuesday that was declassified yesterday, explicitly addresses the national guard and tells them that Trump is *not* their Commander in Chief.

Please contact your Reps and Senators.
Nope I want them there. Hell I wish he would park a couple in front of my business. I'm exhausted from doing it all myself.
Diddlydumb likes the laws and the parts of the Constution that most benefits him. He is simply a "righty" version of the same "lefty" radicals that he loathes. In other words a typical trump-worshipping racist hipocrit.
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Diddlydumb likes the laws and the parts of the Constution hat most benefits him. He is simply a "righty" version of the same "lefty" radicals that he loathes. In other words typical trump-worshipping racist hipocrit.

Then idiots like this chime in to attack. Never said a single bad word about his party allowing lawlessness, death, and destruction to go on for days but then bitches when someone stops it. Typical!
Oops. I left out Diddliodumbs trump-like penchant for pathological lying to try and win an argument.
Tick tock Diddliodumb......)