Utah Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration


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Utah Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Immigration

(KUTV / The Salt Lake Tribune) PROVO - Forget al Qaeda.

If you really want to blame someone for trying to destroy the United States, point the finger at… Satan?

The devil, Lucifer… whatever you want to call it, one Utah Republican says it is he who is trying to bring the USA down.

And Satan’s apparent weapon of choice: Allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border.

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Utah County District 65 Chairman Don Larsen has submitted a formal resolution to oppose the devil’s plan to destroy the country -- to be discussed this weekend at the Utah County Republican Convention.

“In order for Satan to establish his ‘New World Order’ and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S.,” Larsen’s resolution states. “[It is] insidious for its stealth and innocuousness.”

Larsen’s proposal to defeat Satan? Close the borders to illegal immigrants to “prevent the destruction of the U.S. by stealth invasion.”

I've developed a rule in my mind...

Anyone who says that an evil force is trying to destroy the US is an idiot. Take Brent, for instance.
He was who I thought of when I read this. He was becoming a Moremoan at one time. Then he realized a nasty girl was just reeling him in....
"Utah Republican Blames 'The Devil' For Illegal Immigration"

So what? We already knew George Bush is responsible for an exponential increase in illegal immigration during his presidency.
Sure, but you dim twats have it all wrong, as usual. You Amerikanski are so self-centered you're too easy to be interesting.

You're just another domino leading to the real goal: Canada. The beauty of it is that you're all too arrogant to believe it, too.
