Vaccine defending doctor endorsed website dissapears


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Some here know I'm a fairly big fan of (former Dr.) Sam Bailey. She came out with a video today that focuses in on Covid and vaccines, but deals with other subjects as well. Thought some might be interested in taking a look:

Death Shot Doctors Stand Down |

The text that goes with the video:

COVID-19 has so many facets to its fraud that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. However, only the most fanatical doctors claimed that there is nothing wrong with the COVID shots, face masks and social isolation experiments.

Do these doctors still stand by such claims or is there a change in the air? In this video we take a look at a group of doctors who once cheered on COVID interventions, but note that their website has quietly disappeared…

Shownotes and related videos HERE.

The change seems to be that doctors are seeing a medical system run with an iron fist by bureaucrats who ignore science and lets people die and never apologizes or gets better, and they are leaving.
Some here know I'm a fairly big fan of (former Dr.) Sam Bailey. She came out with a video today that focuses in on Covid and vaccines, but deals with other subjects as well. Thought some might be interested in taking a look:

Death Shot Doctors Stand Down |

The text that goes with the video:

COVID-19 has so many facets to its fraud that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. However, only the most fanatical doctors claimed that there is nothing wrong with the COVID shots, face masks and social isolation experiments.

Do these doctors still stand by such claims or is there a change in the air? In this video we take a look at a group of doctors who once cheered on COVID interventions, but note that their website has quietly disappeared…

Shownotes and related videos HERE.


It almost seems too little too late.
Some here know I'm a fairly big fan of (former Dr.) Sam Bailey. She came out with a video today that focuses in on Covid and vaccines, but deals with other subjects as well. Thought some might be interested in taking a look:

Death Shot Doctors Stand Down |

The text that goes with the video:

COVID-19 has so many facets to its fraud that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. However, only the most fanatical doctors claimed that there is nothing wrong with the COVID shots, face masks and social isolation experiments.

Do these doctors still stand by such claims or is there a change in the air? In this video we take a look at a group of doctors who once cheered on COVID interventions, but note that their website has quietly disappeared…

Shownotes and related videos HERE.


What website?
What the left did to this country was evil.

There were a few on the far left that also protested this, but I agree that this was primarily backed by the left and fought by the right. On some things, the right just seems to understand more. The right seems to be far less trusting than the left on things, and on this, they are right to be distrustful.
There were a few on the far left that also protested this, but I agree that this was primarily backed by the left and fought by the right. On some things, the right just seems to understand more. The right seems to be far less trusting than the left on things, and on this, they are right to be distrustful.

What's interesting is they claim to be all about science but science seems to be the very last thing they care about. It's was certainly true with covid and it's true the climate nonsense and it's best seen in their belief that gender can change based on "feelings". That's VERY scientific.
Some here know I'm a fairly big fan of (former Dr.) Sam Bailey. She came out with a video today that focuses in on Covid and vaccines, but deals with other subjects as well. Thought some might be interested in taking a look:

Death Shot Doctors Stand Down |

The text that goes with the video:

COVID-19 has so many facets to its fraud that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. However, only the most fanatical doctors claimed that there is nothing wrong with the COVID shots, face masks and social isolation experiments.

Do these doctors still stand by such claims or is there a change in the air? In this video we take a look at a group of doctors who once cheered on COVID interventions, but note that their website has quietly disappeared…

Shownotes and related videos HERE.


Who the hell is this broad on the video, and what the fuck is she talking about?

I've had five shots, not one side effect, and no bouts with covid.

Since wearing masks, which are supposed to be for the benefit of other people,
I haven't had a serious winter cold since before the pandemic.
I will probably wear masks forever.

They actually look cool with sunglasses and a hoodie.
Whenever I walk into the credit union, everybody gets nervous. It's hilarious.

People who oppose the covid protocols are almost without exception people who also espouse reactionary right wing or libertarian politics,
neither of which come remotely close to my beliefs as a social democrat.

Therefore, since I don't agree with these people on any other subject either,
it only make sense that I'm not going to agree with them on this.
Essentially, they're totally different kinds of people. Perhaps even a different species. Devolved mutants?

I don't agree with other leftists on a lot of the politically correct or woke shit, as my posts have revealed,
but I tend to agree with conservatives and constitutional constructionists on nothing at all.

The covid protocols will just be another thing on that infinite list.
Who the hell is this broad on the video, and what the fuck is she talking about?

I've had five shots, not one side effect, and no bouts with covid.

Since wearing masks, which are supposed to be for the benefit of other people,
I haven't had a serious winter cold since before the pandemic.
I will probably wear masks forever.

They actually look cool with sunglasses and a hoodie.
Whenever I walk into the credit union, everybody gets nervous. It's hilarious.

People who oppose the covid protocols are almost without exception people who also espouse reactionary right wing or libertarian politics,
neither of which come remotely close to my beliefs as a social democrat.

Therefore, since I don't agree with these people on any other subject either,
it only make sense that I'm not going to agree with them on this.
Essentially, they're totally different kinds of people. Perhaps even a different species. Devolved mutants?

I don't agree with other leftists on a lot of the politically correct or woke shit, as my posts have revealed,
but I tend to agree with conservatives and constitutional constructionists on nothing at all.

The covid protocols will just be another thing on that infinite list.

There were a few on the far left that also protested this, but I agree that this was primarily backed by the left and fought by the right. On some things, the right just seems to understand more. The right seems to be far less trusting than the left on things, and on this, they are right to be distrustful.

What's interesting is they claim to be all about science but science seems to be the very last thing they care about.

I think it's more than they've begun to think that science is like a religion. I imagine the religion of scientology realized that this trust in "science" could be exploited and incorporated the word into their very own religion. The truth is science is a methodology and a good scientist follows the evidence, not what is politically expedient.
Who the hell is this broad on the video, and what the fuck is she talking about?

Easy there Nifty, no need to use indecent language. The woman in the video used to be a licensed doctor in New Zealand until the government didn't like what she was saying and took her doctor's license away. I've been following her for quite some time and I think what she and the group of doctors that she associates with have had to say is quite important.

I've had five shots, not one side effect, and no bouts with covid.

That certainly sounds good. Unfortunately, many people are not so fortunate. Here's an article you may find informative:
45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show | Children's Health Defense

I myself have been an anti vaxxer for a while now. I believe I had my last vaccine when I was a kid.

Since wearing masks, which are supposed to be for the benefit of other people,
I haven't had a serious winter cold since before the pandemic.
I will probably wear masks forever.

I've always had less of an issue with masks then I did with vaccine mandates, mainly because I believe the harms they cause are less severe. But considering the fact that I don't believe biological viruses exist, I definitely don't think that the masks are stopping the "spread" of covid.

People who oppose the covid protocols are almost without exception people who also espouse reactionary right wing or libertarian politics,
neither of which come remotely close to my beliefs as a social democrat.

I am essentially a social democrat on other issues, but definitely not when it comes to the covid protocols/mandates.

Therefore, since I don't agree with these people on any other subject either,
it only make sense that I'm not going to agree with them on this.

I understand. Well, I'm a hybrid when it comes to my stances. I've -never- liked Trump for starters. So perhaps you can just disagree with me on the covid protocols and mandates.

Essentially, they're totally different kinds of people. Perhaps even a different species. Devolved mutants?

Let's not start using ad hominem attacks. That tends to never lead anywhere productive...

I don't agree with other leftists on a lot of the politically correct or woke shit, as my posts have revealed,

We probably agree on some things here too.
I think it's more than they've begun to think that science is like a religion. I imagine the religion of scientology realized that this trust in "science" could be exploited and incorporated the word into their very own religion. The truth is science is a methodology and a good scientist follows the evidence, not what is politically expedient.

Right a good scientist follows the evidence but notice people like phony baloney tony and leftists in general say, follow then science. When they say stuff like the science is decided on issues like climate, that's how you know its a religion for them. They want and demand unquestioning obedience.
What's interesting is they claim to be all about science but science seems to be the very last thing they care about. It's was certainly true with covid and it's true the climate nonsense and it's best seen in their belief that gender can change based on "feelings". That's VERY scientific.
The science community has been preparing the sheepeole (robots) for a pandemic for at least 15 years. Ebola goes back to 1989. They used to test nuclear explosions on GIs.
I think it's more than they've begun to think that science is like a religion. I imagine the religion of scientology realized that this trust in "science" could be exploited and incorporated the word into their very own religion. The truth is science is a methodology and a good scientist follows the evidence, not what is politically expedient.

Right a good scientist follows the evidence but notice people like phony baloney tony and leftists in general say, follow then science. When they say stuff like the science is decided on issues like climate, that's how you know its a religion for them. They want and demand unquestioning obedience.

I suspect we wouldn't agree on climate change, but we certainly agree on a lot of things in regards to Covid and Tony Fauci. On a positive note, as you know, there is certainly one leftist that has seen through much of the Covid fraud, Robert Kennedy Jr.

As you may also know, he wrote a book on Anthony Fauci. I purchased it and think it definitely has some good points. Perhaps the most interesting chapter in it is the one titled "The HIV heresies". Tony Fauci really lauched his career during the start of AIDS. Here's the introduction:




“A man living outside the circle of delusion which imprisons most men has a question of everyone he meets, usually asked silently, ‘Can you get outside of yourself for even a split second to hear something you have never heard before?’ Those who learn to hear will enter a new world.” —Khalil Gibran​

I hesitated to include this chapter because any questioning of the orthodoxy that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS remains an unforgivable—even dangerous—heresy among our reigning medical cartel and its media allies. But one cannot write a complete book about Tony Fauci without touching on the abiding—and fascinating—scientific controversy over what he characterizes as his “greatest accomplishment” and his “life’s work.”

From the outset, I want to make clear that I take no position on the relationship between HIV and AIDS. I include this history because it provides an important case study illustrating how—some four hundred years after Galileo—politics and power continue to dictate “scientific consensus,” rather than empiricism, critical thinking, or the established steps of the scientific method. It is a hazard to both democracy and public health when a kind of religious faith in authoritative pronouncements supplants disciplined observation, rigorous proofs, and reproducible results as the source of “truth” in the medical field.

While consensus may be an admirable political objective, it is the enemy of science and truth. The term “settled science” is an oxymoron. The admonishment that we should “trust the experts” is a trope of authoritarianism. Science is disruptive, irreverent, dynamic, rebellious, and democratic. Consensus and appeals to authority (be it CDC, WHO, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, or the Vatican) are features of religion, not science. Science is tumult. Empirical truth generally arises from the tilled, agitated, and upturned soils of debate. Doubt, skepticism, questioning, and dissent are its fertilizers. Every great scientific advance in history, every transformative idea, from evolution to heliocentrism to relativity, met initial ridicule from the panjandrums of “scientific consensus.” As novelist and physician Dr. Michael Crichton observed,

Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.1​

Specifically, the original hypothesis on AIDS is an illustration of how vested interests (in this case, Dr. Anthony Fauci), using money, power, position, and influence, can engineer consensus on incomplete theories, and then ruthlessly suppress dissent.

The many thoughtful critics of Dr. Fauci’s central canon offer various plausible, but wildly divergent, alternatives to the official orthodoxy that HIV alone causes AIDS. There is one issue upon which they all agree: During the thirty-six years since Dr. Fauci and his colleague, Dr. Robert Gallo, first claimed that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS, no one has been able to point to a study that demonstrates their hypothesis using accepted scientific proofs. The fact that Dr. Fauci has obstinately refused to describe a convincing scientific basis for his proposition, or to debate the topic with any qualified critics, including the many Nobel laureates who have expressed skepticism, makes it even more important to give air and daylight to dissenting voices.


Kennedy Jr., Robert F. . The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (pp. 400-402). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.
The science community has been preparing the sheepeole (robots) for a pandemic for at least 15 years. Ebola goes back to 1989. They used to test nuclear explosions on GIs.

I think it might be a bit fairer to say the people in power in various insitutions alleging to support science, like Anthony Fauci. I think that the hard core scientific community has been divided in regards the pandemics. As I think you know, my personal favourite group within the medical community no longer believes that biological viruses exist at all. Their numbers may be few, but they soldier on.