Vaccine skepticism runs deep among white evangelicals in US

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Some of the critics wondered if worshippers would now need “vaccine passports” to enter The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, where Greear is pastor. Others depicted the vaccines as satanic or unsafe, or suggested Greear was complicit in government propaganda.

John Elkins, pastor at Sovereign Grace Fellowship in Brazoria, Texas, about 50 miles south of Houston, said only one person in his SBC congregation of about 50 has been vaccinated.
Nobody will be able to travel, buy and sell, or do anything without a valid passport.

The Beast is happy.
Some of the critics wondered if worshippers would now need “vaccine passports” to enter The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, where Greear is pastor. Others depicted the vaccines as satanic or unsafe, or suggested Greear was complicit in government propaganda.

John Elkins, pastor at Sovereign Grace Fellowship in Brazoria, Texas, about 50 miles south of Houston, said only one person in his SBC congregation of about 50 has been vaccinated.

I love how willing so many of you are to do whatever the govt tells you. Its actually pathetic to watch. You've lost all sense of self respect haven't you? Fucking losers.
I love how willing so many of you are to do whatever the govt tells you. Its actually pathetic to watch. You've lost all sense of self respect haven't you? Fucking losers.

"If I wanna drive through red lights...I'm gonna drive through them. You fuckin' losers have lost all self-respect...and will probably stop for them."

Yakuda...the moron philosopher.
"If I wanna drive through red lights...I'm gonna drive through them. You fuckin' losers have lost all self-respect...and will probably stop for them."

Yakuda...the moron philosopher.

Not the same at all dick face but you could never understand why because you're a bcg.
My fundie sister-in-law surprised us by saying that they would get the vax when available in their state (Louisiana). I'm glad; she's a good soul despite being a Cultist.
This guy I've know since we were in the 7th grade together became a Bible thumper fundie loon back in the 70's when we were both just out of HS.

Now he and his fundie nutjob friends are all Trumptards and his Facebook page is just one anti-gub'mint, anti-vaccine, COVID is a hoax, bullshit rant after another.

A few weeks ago, he posted one that was so full of shit I reported it to FB admin and the next day they had removed it and put a fact-check in it's place.


Now he's on their radar screen and they're watching him. :laugh:

They've fact cahecked a couple more, since then.

Pissed him off, too. :laugh:

He's started getting belligerent and taunting them. :rolleyes:
Not the same at all dick face but you could never understand why because you're a bcg.

You are a pathetic patsy, Yakuda. You are a captive to a political philosophy that is as related to philosophy as fish are related to bicycles.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU SUPPOSE OTHERS TO BE...a hopeless, unthinking, pawn.

I hope one day you realize it...and straighten out. But I suspect that is like hoping Quasimodo would straighten out.
You are a pathetic patsy, Yakuda. You are a captive to a political philosophy that is as related to philosophy as fish are related to bicycles.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU SUPPOSE OTHERS TO BE...a hopeless, unthinking, pawn.

I hope one day you realize it...and straighten out. But I suspect that is like hoping Quasimodo would straighten out. you leftists...everything you whined about trump was true for you fucking idiots but you're a retarded moron so I don't expect much form you. Go back to making your ashtray. you leftists...everything you whined about trump was true for you fucking idiots but you're a retarded moron so I don't expect much form you. Go back to making your ashtray.

Do the other kids in the sandbox think you are clever for making those kinds of childish posts? Do you tell them about posting see if they look amazed?

My guess is you do try. But even the other kids realize you are a moron, so there is no awe. But I'll bet there is a lot of laughter.

Don't get the wrong idea, though, Yakuda. They are laughing at you...not with you.
Maybe their orange god can protect them from covid-19?!!:smile:

What religion is she if I may ask?

They are non-denominational Christians who send their only child to Christian (not Catholic) schools so he'll learn about godly stuff. They don't believe that mainstream Christians are really Christians. They thought Trump was sent by God.
Do the other kids in the sandbox think you are clever for making those kinds of childish posts? Do you tell them about posting see if they look amazed?

My guess is you do try. But even the other kids realize you are a moron, so there is no awe. But I'll bet there is a lot of laughter.

Don't get the wrong idea, though, Yakuda. They are laughing at you...not with you.

as a sandbox kid, I do think he is clever. want me to sign something?