
oh my God! I didn't realize how good it would be to get entangled in another unwinnable war!

these guys are worse than vampires, ghouls would be more like it, eating the dead is more their style. too bad a lot of the dead would be American soldiers.
This in no fringe person either.

Coulter is a keynote speaker at many national republican meetings, gets swarmed by republican fans, and is the constant face of conservatism on Fox and MSNBC.
Thom Hartmann and John Dean were talking today about authoritarianism. I found it to be right on with Coulter, Faux News and the rest. Heres a bit from Dean....
"For almost half a century, social scientists have been exploring authoritarianism. We do not typically associate authoritarianism with our democracy, but as I discovered while examining decades of empirical research, we ignore some findings at our risk. Unfortunately, the social scientists who have studied these issues report their findings in monographs and professional journals written for their peers, not for general readers. With the help of a leading researcher and others, I waded into this massive body of work.

What I found provided a personal epiphany. Authoritarian conservatives are, as a researcher told me, "enemies of freedom, antidemocratic, antiequality, highly prejudiced, mean-spirited, power hungry, Machiavellian and amoral." And that's not just his view. To the contrary, this is how these people have consistently described themselves when being anonymously tested, by the tens of thousands over the past several decades.

Authoritarianism's impact on contemporary conservatism is beyond question. Because this impact is still growing and has troubling (if not actually evil) implications, I hope that social scientists will begin to write about this issue for general readers..."

vampires, ghouls, zombies, authoritarian conservatives... all the same. Time for us to realize that we're at war with them and the stakes are the future of our democracy and our country.
Iran would capture Coulter and exibit her to the world as evidence that the USA starves it's women to the point of driving them insane.
I love how you can here the idiot Man Cultwhore say it would be fun.

I can only wish she'd be standing under the first one dropped. But then I don't supposed she'd be gleefully licking her lips at the prospect of all that "fun".

The bitch needs an ass kicking badly.
Thom Hartmann and John Dean were talking today about authoritarianism. I found it to be right on with Coulter, Faux News and the rest. Heres a bit from Dean....
"For almost half a century, social scientists have been exploring authoritarianism. We do not typically associate authoritarianism with our democracy, but as I discovered while examining decades of empirical research, we ignore some findings at our risk. Unfortunately, the social scientists who have studied these issues report their findings in monographs and professional journals written for their peers, not for general readers. With the help of a leading researcher and others, I waded into this massive body of work.

What I found provided a personal epiphany. Authoritarian conservatives are, as a researcher told me, "enemies of freedom, antidemocratic, antiequality, highly prejudiced, mean-spirited, power hungry, Machiavellian and amoral." And that's not just his view. To the contrary, this is how these people have consistently described themselves when being anonymously tested, by the tens of thousands over the past several decades.

Authoritarianism's impact on contemporary conservatism is beyond question. Because this impact is still growing and has troubling (if not actually evil) implications, I hope that social scientists will begin to write about this issue for general readers..."

vampires, ghouls, zombies, authoritarian conservatives... all the same. Time for us to realize that we're at war with them and the stakes are the future of our democracy and our country.

Agreed, and thanks for the link. I read Dean's book on Authoritarianism and I couldn't stop reconizing people in it and nodding my head. Yep, that's them.
Ann has a new book coming out called "If Democrats were smart, they'd be Republicans." I'm sure her legions will snap it up like hotcakes.

I sincerely hope that she continues to be a prominent spokesperson on the right for many, many years to come.
Need more blood...always more.

Watch this without honestly feeling like you are going to throw up. If you can, I wouldn't be comfortable in a room with you.

This stuff is beyond parody.

If that was shown to any other television audience in the world as a straight "news item" they would simply laugh you off air. As we speak there is probably an Oxbridge undergraduate writing an, admittedly, unfunny satirical sketch containing exactly the same rhetoric and ill-informed idiocy that these weird-looking people think is intelligent debate.
This stuff is beyond parody.

If that was shown to any other television audience in the world as a straight "news item" they would simply laugh you off air. As we speak there is probably an Oxbridge undergraduate writing an, admittedly, unfunny satirical sketch containing exactly the same rhetoric and ill-informed idiocy that these weird-looking people think is intelligent debate.

Boy is that the truth. They've killed satire.
Its not just ann coulter.

For some reason, I've always remembered a piece on Fox News, during the initial invasion or Iraq, when some american helicopters shredded a convoy of iraqi army truck carrying some iraqi conscript soldiers....the fox news journalist (Shepard Smith I think it was) blurted out: "This is fun!"

I remember being taken aback that a journalist would say that, and that it was very distasteful.
Its not just ann coulter.

For some reason, I've always remembered a piece on Fox News, during the initial invasion or Iraq, when some american helicopters shredded a convoy of iraqi army truck carrying some iraqi conscript soldiers....the fox news journalist (Shepard Smith I think it was) blurted out: "This is fun!"

I remember being taken aback that a journalist would say that, and that it was very distasteful.

I never saw that. These people need doctors quickly.
There is a very sad and sadistic element to the people who still support this war and know the facts surrounding the situation.

They enjoy feeling the power of the most powerful military in the world and prove why we need so desperately why it needs to be scaled back.

If its there some asshole will insist we use it.