Van Jones says Democrats are discussing ‘how’ to replace Biden, ‘not whether’


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The Democratic governors who met with Biden yesterday, said they would support President Joe Biden's reelection bid after a candid discussion with him about his weak performance in last week's debate. On the other hand, Nancy Pelosi summed it up best, whether Biden's debate performance was it a condition or just an episode?!! That's what I would like to know too and so would a lot of others?!! Biden has a real dilemma facing him?!!

Former Obama administration official Van Jones said Wednesday that Democrats, behind closed doors, are discussing “how” to replace President Biden at the top of the ticket, “not whether.”

The CNN commentator said the Democrats who defend Biden on TV have “completely different” conversations in private, amid growing concern in the party about Biden’s standing as the presumptive nominee.

“I understand people want to, you know, defend him and protect him and give him the space and the dignity to make his own choice,” Jones told CNN’s Jim Sciutto Wednesday, referring to Biden.

“But there is a big conversation happening right now about how this happens – not whether,” he added.

Jones painted a chaotic picture of the Democratic party as it tries to figure out a path forward in private discussions.

“Behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic,” Jones said. “People are passing around legal memos, PDFs are flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out, what are the options? How can you replace Biden? How do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected, as he should be respected?”

Jones suggested Democrats were proceeding under the assumption that Vice President Kamala Harris would be next in line for the top spot. Among the questions Democrats are trying to answer, Jones said, is, “Who should Kamala Harris’s vice president be?”

Jones praised Biden as “a great candidate” but said Democrats must be responsible in determining what the best path forward is.
Denying Desperate Don another 4 years of megalomaniacal trampling is far more important than pandering to Genocide Joe. Act quickly. It's at least six months overdue.
The Democratic governors who met with Biden yesterday, said they would support President Joe Biden's reelection bid after a candid discussion with him about his weak performance in last week's debate. On the other hand, Nancy Pelosi summed it up best, whether Biden's debate performance was it a condition or just an episode?!! That's what I would like to know too and so would a lot of others?!! Biden has a real dilemma facing him?!!

Former Obama administration official Van Jones said Wednesday that Democrats, behind closed doors, are discussing “how” to replace President Biden at the top of the ticket, “not whether.”

The CNN commentator said the Democrats who defend Biden on TV have “completely different” conversations in private, amid growing concern in the party about Biden’s standing as the presumptive nominee.

“I understand people want to, you know, defend him and protect him and give him the space and the dignity to make his own choice,” Jones told CNN’s Jim Sciutto Wednesday, referring to Biden.

“But there is a big conversation happening right now about how this happens – not whether,” he added.

Jones painted a chaotic picture of the Democratic party as it tries to figure out a path forward in private discussions.

“Behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic,” Jones said. “People are passing around legal memos, PDFs are flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out, what are the options? How can you replace Biden? How do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected, as he should be respected?”

Jones suggested Democrats were proceeding under the assumption that Vice President Kamala Harris would be next in line for the top spot. Among the questions Democrats are trying to answer, Jones said, is, “Who should Kamala Harris’s vice president be?”

Jones praised Biden as “a great candidate” but said Democrats must be responsible in determining what the best path forward is.
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Biggest mistake the dems made was Heels Up Harris. More proof DEI means Did Not Earn It.
Biden has not made his decision yet. He was with his family last weekend and word is they urged him to continue. He is sitting down with Stephanopoulos on Sunday. He will have to do very well to keep going. I want him to drop out and push an open convention. I do not know if we are ready for a black woman president. I hope Buttigieg is the last man standing. Or Warren gets the nod.
Biden has not made his decision yet. He was with his family last weekend and word is they urged him to continue. He is sitting down with Stephanopoulos on Sunday. He will have to do very well to keep going. I want him to drop out and push an open convention. I do not know if we are ready for a black woman president. I hope Buttigieg is the last man standing. Or Warren gets the nod.
Biden has explicitly stated he is staying in the race. Pay attention.

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.​

President Joe Biden told Democratic governors during a meeting at the White House on Wednesday that part of his plan going forward is to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so that he can get more sleep, according to three sources briefed on his comments.

The remarks, first reported by The New York Times, came as the 81-year-old Biden sought to reassure a group of more than 20 state leaders about his ability to defeat former President Donald Trump in November and govern effectively for another four years.

The comment left several of the governors in the room frustrated, sources told CNN, and is one of the reasons that some of the participants have been rankled by the statement of loyalty and enthusiasm from them distributed by the Biden campaign on Thursday.

The White House and the Biden campaign did not immediately comment about what the president said.

This story is breaking and will be updated.