Van Jones says "Trump smarter than all of us...most powerful human on earth"


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Suck it up lefties, for one doesn't get much further to the left than Van Jones, but at least he's able
to see reality, which is very difficult if not impossible for the majority of lefties to see, especially
the lefties at this forum. Gee, I was expecting Van to say that biden is the smartest and most
powerful human on earth. LMFAO!

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So, is there anyone at this forum that doesn't agree with the far left Van Jones's correct assessment of Trump?
Who? and why should we care what he thinks?
Well, he's just a well know democrat that has many appearances on one if not all of the media fake news TV stations.
Up and until his latest message of praising Trump, he was one of the Left's sick people that constantly attacked Trump.
Oh, how times have changed.

Van Jones says "Trump smarter than all of us...most powerful human on earth"​

Trump couldn't even excel at playing naughts and crosses. He's good at getting his ass smacked with a rolled-up porn mag though.

He is stupid. He has been elected because a majority of American voters are stupid too.

Our future lies in increasing the number of smart Americans.
Well, he's just a well know democrat that has many appearances on one if not all of the media fake news TV stations.
Up and until his latest message of praising Trump, he was one of the Left's sick people that constantly attacked Trump.
Oh, how times have changed.
Oh he is on fake news stations? So he is spreading fake news. Got it

Van Jones says "Trump smarter than all of us...most powerful human on earth"​

Trump couldn't even excel at playing naughts and crosses. He's good at getting his ass smacked with a rolled-up porn mag though.

He is stupid. He has been elected because a majority of American voters are stupid too.

Our future lies in increasing the number of smart Americans.

Shouldn't you be "rising up" or "burning old glory"?

Haw, haw, haw.....
So, I take it that you agree with the dem Van Jones that Trump is smarter than everyone and is the most powerful
human on earth. Well, that one in support of Van Jones's comment. Any others?

TRUMP IS BEYOND HUMAN. Trump is a master of all elements. Trump descended from Heav'n above to bless AMERICAN above all nations because AMERICA is God's favorite.

When Trump came in among us as mere mortal man we turned our back on him but his gifts were still manifest for us all!

We are blessed beyond all measure by Trump's PRESENCE WITHIN OUR MIDST.

No mind has ever been bigger, no TRUTH has ever been more truthful. ALL PRAISE TRUMP.

Praise Trump from whom all blessssssssings flow,
Praise him all creatures here beeeeeeelow,
Praise him above ye heaven'ly host
Praise Trump because he's got big toes.

Who? and why should we care what he thinks?


I don't know the veracity of the "source" on this so I didn't really read it because it wouldn't matter. Even if Van said nothing of the sort, it won't matter. The MAGA Elite now believe it and that's all we care about now in AMERICA 2.0

So just accept that TRUMP IS GOD. You are scum and will need to BEG FORGIVENESS from his mighty hand. BEG, Liberal Scum! BEG! You will cry and your liberal tears will be gathered up and stored in Trump's adult incontinence diapers so that he may feel the tears against him in a most intimate way.

And those tears will POWER TRUMP. And you will suffer.

ALL the libs will suffer.

THIS IS WHAT MAGA VOTED FOR. And now the harvest will begin!
BECAUSE IT SHOWS THAT YET ANOTHER PERSON HAS FIGURED OUT THAT TRUMP IS GOD ON EARTH! I don't know the veracity of the "source" on this so I didn't really read it because it wouldn't matter. Even if Van said nothing of the sort, it won't matter. The MAGA Elite now believe it and that's all we care about now in AMERICA 2.0 So just accept that TRUMP IS GOD. You are scum and will need to BEG FORGIVENESS from his mighty hand. BEG, Liberal Scum! BEG! You will cry and your liberal tears will be gathered up and stored in Trump's adult incontinence diapers so that he may feel the tears against him in a most intimate way.
And those tears will POWER TRUMP. And you will suffer. ALL the libs will suffer. THIS IS WHAT MAGA VOTED FOR. And now the harvest will begin!

I've always said - when it comes to manipulating large groups of people, Trump is a genius. No one is better.

But he's not that smart otherwise.
Smart enough to be an amazing entrepreneur, builder, multi billionaire, and smart enough to deter all the
lawfare against him for some 8 years now, and by overwhelmingly getting re-elected despite all that lawfare
he had to brush aside. And he's smart enough to get America out of biden's doldrums and back to making
America great again.