Vancouver Shari'a Watch

The canadians need to boycot the muslim cabbies. Personally I would not get in a cab driven by a muslim.
To my mind, this is exactly like Christofascist pharmacists who claim they have the right to refuse to dispense contraception because to do so would violate their religious "beliefs" (sick).

If you can't do the job, you should be fired. If you know you aren't going to be able to do the job you shouldn't take it in the first place. Are Buddhist employees at Mickey D's going to be allowed to refuse to serve wormburgers because it violates their beliefs? How about Satanists refusing to sell Christmas cards at the register at a Hallmark store?
To my mind, this is exactly like Christofascist pharmacists who claim they have the right to refuse to dispense contraception because to do so would violate their religious "beliefs" (sick).

If you can't do the job, you should be fired. If you know you aren't going to be able to do the job you shouldn't take it in the first place. Are Buddhist employees at Mickey D's going to be allowed to refuse to serve wormburgers because it violates their beliefs? How about Satanists refusing to sell Christmas cards at the register at a Hallmark store?


But it's interesting that these problems seem to be arising in Great Britan and now Canada.

We have a very large Muslim population here in NY, and I have never heard of any such thing. They're very warm people, in my personal experience and I've never had any problem with a Muslim. Except actually, yesterday when I went into a store I patronize from time to time, but certainly not daily, and the Arab owner asked me where I'd been, and then told me that he misses me every day, and kept staring at my breasts, which was really totally creepy and I'm never going there again. But I put that down to a male creep thing, because I am always the first to blame the gender, rather then the race. And also because I have in the past had men give me problems, but never a Muslim.

Anyway, that's neither here or there, sorry, my point being, I wonder if there isn't something about America that seems to assimilate peoples of all kinds better.