APP - various states have passed lawyers full employment acts

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
by passing repug social engineering laws regarding abortion

By Suzi Parker
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (Reuters) - Groups supporting the right to abortion filed suit on Tuesday challenging an Arkansas law that would ban most abortions after 12 weeks, seeking to block one of the nation's most restrictive abortion measures before it takes effect in July.
The Republican-controlled Arkansas legislature overrode Democratic Governor Mike Beebe's veto of the controversial measure in March. At the time, it was the most restrictive state abortion law in the nation.
Since then North Dakota lawmakers passed a law banning abortion as early as six weeks.
The Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act would ban most abortions at about 12 weeks of pregnancy, once a fetal heartbeat can be detected by a standard ultrasound.
It includes exemptions for rape, incest, the life of the mother and major fetal conditions. Doctors who violate the law risk having their licenses revoked by the state Medical Board.
Eleven states including Arkansas already ban abortions at 20 weeks or later, according to Kate Bernyk, spokesman for The Center for Reproductive Rights.
Eight states enforce the bans: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Indiana, Alabama, Nebraska and North Carolina. Similar measures in Arizona, Georgia and Idaho have been blocked by the courts.
The Arkansas lawsuit, filed in federal court on Tuesday by the Center for Reproductive Rights, the national American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU's Arkansas chapter, asked for a temporary injunction against the law. It was filed on behalf of two Arkansas doctors who perform abortions.
"It's a clear violation of U.S. Court rulings, dating back 40 years," said Rita Sklar, director of the ACLU of Arkansas.
Aaron Sadler, spokesman for Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, said the state had been expecting the lawsuit.
"It is our responsibility to defend state law, and we will do so in this litigation," Sadler said.
Planned Parenthood, which is the nation's largest abortion provider and operates clinics in Arkansas, fought the measure.
"This restrictive ban on safe and legal abortion puts the health and safety of Arkansas women and their families at risk," said Jill June, chief executive of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. "A woman may need an abortion for many different reasons, and she should be trusted to make her own personal private medical decisions."
Jerry Cox, president of Family Council of Arkansas, which opposes abortion, said he thinks the courts will allow the Arkansas measure to stand.
"If the state of Arkansas ends up spending public funds to defend a law that protects human life, that's an excellent use of our public dollars."
(Reporting by Suzi Parker; Editing by Greg McCune and Leslie Gevirtz)
Good to know protecting life is social engineering. We should all just become Vikings now like Ragnar Lothblod.

protecting whose life?

but then your lack of knowledge of law handicaps your ability to debate this subject in a rational manner

we will never agree on this subject, so i guess that the lawyers will win...the only winners
protecting whose life?

but then your lack of knowledge of law handicaps your ability to debate this subject in a rational manner

we will never agree on this subject, so i guess that the lawyers will win...the only winners

There are over fifty million children who would have been winners if this had happened back in the 70s.......and if you don't realize that, then your lack of knowledge of biology handicaps your ability to debate this subject in a rational manner......
how is this 'social engineering'?

I would have to agree this whole issue is about social engineering......after all, the earliest supporters of abortion rights believed it would help reduce the "race problem".......and still today, you'll find the abortion clinics in the poorest section of town......those who want society to continue killing itself off expect it will be folks they don't want around that will go first.....
Actually....I wouldn't have an issue with this....perhaps extend it to 16 weeks. That is 4 months. With all due respect to our women, there should be a point where they need to either shit or get off the pot.

Of course, rape and incest are huge emotionally traumatic events and should be exempt...along with the health of the mother.
trying to tell citizens/people what they can and cannot do, something that the repug social conservatives seem to enjoy doing rather than encouraging personal freedom like they used to do
seems to me that the left does this just as well, especially in regards to guns and self defense
protecting whose life?

but then your lack of knowledge of law handicaps your ability to debate this subject in a rational manner

we will never agree on this subject, so i guess that the lawyers will win...the only winners

Not true - the losers in this matter will suffer more than you can imagine.
seems to me that the left does this just as well, especially in regards to guns and self defense

and this makes either of them correct?

besides, have you checked out some of scotus' rulings on the subject of guns and self defense lately - i suspect that scotus may be on their way to ruling against the antiabortion folk too

they just move slowly
and this makes either of them correct?
of course not, but it comes across as hypocritical or partisan when one consistently criticizes only one side or the other.

besides, have you checked out some of scotus' rulings on the subject of guns and self defense lately - i suspect that scotus may be on their way to ruling against the antiabortion folk too

they just move slowly
I've yet to see a SCOTUS ruling that actually protects a complete right of the people without providing for some exception that allows the government to violate them
of course not, but it comes across as hypocritical or partisan when one consistently criticizes only one side or the other.

I've yet to see a SCOTUS ruling that actually protects a complete right of the people without providing for some exception that allows the government to violate them

you cannot yell fire in a crowded auditorium which is a violation of the first amendment...