Vegas Baby!


Well-known member
If your city loses a lot of money (legally) this weekend Desh you can thank Cawacko. Of course we all know the likely result will be a large increase in revenue thanks to Cawacko's dumb *ss but must be positive (until I start getting my *ss kicked at the tables).

You and me Vegas, mano e mano. It's show time!

If your city loses a lot of money (legally) this weekend Desh you can thank Cawacko. Of course we all know the likely result will be a large increase in revenue thanks to Cawacko's dumb *ss but must be positive (until I start getting my *ss kicked at the tables).

You and me Vegas, mano e mano. It's show time!

less you is called 'Lost Wages' for a reason!;)
Have fun Cawacko.

I’m taking a shuttle to DC later this afternoon. Very boring compared to vegas. But my bf is there waiting for me, so that part is good. Are you still in Boston? Because the weather is awful here. I'm a little worried abotu that. I hope my flight doesn't get delayed for hours.
Have fun Cawacko.

I’m taking a shuttle to DC later this afternoon. Very boring compared to vegas. But my bf is there waiting for me, so that part is good. Are you still in Boston? Because the weather is awful here. I'm a little worried abotu that. I hope my flight doesn't get delayed for hours.
Yes, we also hope that you do not get stuck on the Tarmac for 17 billion hours stuck in a seat next to a chronic talker who can't get their invisible friend to shut up and keeps apologizing that "Mrs. Nobody" is such a blabbermouth while clamping their hands over their ears and shouting "I can't hear you!" as you try to read your book.

Not at all do we hope that we will be regaled with amusing tales of insane people with loud invisible friends!
Have fun Cawacko.

I’m taking a shuttle to DC later this afternoon. Very boring compared to vegas. But my bf is there waiting for me, so that part is good. Are you still in Boston? Because the weather is awful here. I'm a little worried abotu that. I hope my flight doesn't get delayed for hours.

I'm actually at Logan Airport in Boston right now. I'm heading to Phily first and then to Las Vegas. I'm with you, I'm worried about this weather and possible delays. It's rainy and foggy in Boston.

Have fun as well Darla!

One of my best friends from college is getting married and this is his bachelor party. I'm not expecting anything positive to really come from this weekend. If I return home in one piece I will consider it a success.
I'm actually at Logan Airport in Boston right now. I'm heading to Phily first and then to Las Vegas. I'm with you, I'm worried about this weather and possible delays. It's rainy and foggy in Boston.

Have fun as well Darla!

One of my best friends from college is getting married and this is his bachelor party. I'm not expecting anything positive to really come from this weekend. If I return home in one piece I will consider it a success.


Ok, well safe trips for us both.
Yes, we also hope that you do not get stuck on the Tarmac for 17 billion hours stuck in a seat next to a chronic talker who can't get their invisible friend to shut up and keeps apologizing that "Mrs. Nobody" is such a blabbermouth while clamping their hands over their ears and shouting "I can't hear you!" as you try to read your book.

Not at all do we hope that we will be regaled with amusing tales of insane people with loud invisible friends!

HaHa, Aren't you a doll. Thanks Damo.

Yes, we also hope that you do not get stuck on the Tarmac for 17 billion hours stuck in a seat next to a chronic talker who can't get their invisible friend to shut up and keeps apologizing that "Mrs. Nobody" is such a blabbermouth while clamping their hands over their ears and shouting "I can't hear you!" as you try to read your book.

Not at all do we hope that we will be regaled with amusing tales of insane people with loud invisible friends!

Jesus Christ! Yeah, that too.
I'd rather sit next to an insane person rather than the spoiled brats and incompetant parents I sat next to on my way back from Vegas.
I'd rather sit next to an insane person rather than the spoiled brats and incompetant parents I sat next to on my way back from Vegas.
That was your invisible friend and her git.... Just like the mythical cleaning lady...

Just look, those kids never get any older... Do they?

Kids on airplanes should be required to be in cages.

talk about a ride from hell, ride out of Orlando with a bunch of brats.. I just love them kicking the back of my seat and hitting me on the head with an alligator on a stick.
... in the Cargo section. ;)

Some of them are fine. It's not the kids, it's the parents who don't teach them how to behave.

Yep, basically the parents.
I think that is what happened to our current president.
Poor parentage.