Venting about rubberneckers and EMT faith healers

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Tonight as I was coming home I came up on an accident that had just happened. One car was on the shoulder and in the left lane upsidedown. The wheels were still turning, so I know it had just happened.

There were 3 cars parked on the shoulder on the right side of the road, and the people were just standing on the shoulder watching. Before I left there would be 3 or 4 more.

When I got to the car a man was pulling on the door trying to open it (apparently to get the driver out?). I asked him to stop and got down where I could see the driver. She was scared and starting to panic. His rocking the car didn't help. But the cardinal rule is that you never move an accident victim unless there is imminent danger. I had parked so that I was blocking traffic in the left lane and there was no smell of gasoline or sign of fire. What he was doing was stupid, but at least he was trying to help. I must have pissed him off because he walked away and got in his car and left.

The only other people who approached the car was a man and a woman who were trying to "heal" her. The man reached passed me as I was talking to her and reaching in checking her for serious injuries. He stuck his hand in and touched two fingers to her arm and said "I heal you in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty", and then pulled back. The woman knelt down and actually said "excuse me" as if she expected me to move. When I wouldn't she reached by me (blocking my view of the woman's face) to touch the woman inside the car and say the same "I heal you in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty".

As if they were not interferring enough, I heard the the woman say to the man as they walked away "he wouldn't get out of my way". Like I was in her way?? WTF?

By the time the EMTs and police got there about a dozen people were standing on the side of the road just watching. A couple of them probably called 911, but none were doing anything but playing morbid voyeur at an accident.

The driver didn't have any major bleeding and she was coherent, so she will probably be fine. But how can these idiots just stand there and not do anything? I mean, they could have at least tried to talk to the woman and calm her down.

And did the faithhealers actually expect me to move away (and stop checking her for serious injuries) so they could heal her?? Don't they imagine Jesus would prefer they try and stop the bleeding by more normal means and save the faithhealing for kids with cancer? Neither of them said a word to the woman.

Ok, I feel better having vented.

Is there a special school for Emergency Medical Faithhealing? Is there some special permit I can get to allow me to slap the rubberneckers?
I was in the front car of a Metro (subway) train in Montreal several years ago when someone leaped to his death right in front of the train. I was shocked and disgusted at the reactions of my fellow travellers, and of many of the other people still on the platform. The woman who had been nearest to him was clearly severely shocked and in need of help. I'm pretty sure the driver could have used some comfort and support as well. We couldn't get off the train (doors were kept shut) but nobody on the platform went to this poor woman's aid at all.

Too many people wanted to see the remains, and their comments were unbelievably callous and voyeuristic. I'd like to think that it was related to the surprise and shock of the incident, but really nothing about this behavior suggested that at all. They were thrilled (glad it hadn't happened to them or to someone they knew?) as if they'd been watching a movie. Maybe that's it.
Tonight as I was coming home I came up on an accident that had just happened. One car was on the shoulder and in the left lane upsidedown. The wheels were still turning, so I know it had just happened.

There were 3 cars parked on the shoulder on the right side of the road, and the people were just standing on the shoulder watching. Before I left there would be 3 or 4 more.

When I got to the car a man was pulling on the door trying to open it (apparently to get the driver out?). I asked him to stop and got down where I could see the driver. She was scared and starting to panic. His rocking the car didn't help. But the cardinal rule is that you never move an accident victim unless there is imminent danger. I had parked so that I was blocking traffic in the left lane and there was no smell of gasoline or sign of fire. What he was doing was stupid, but at least he was trying to help. I must have pissed him off because he walked away and got in his car and left.

The only other people who approached the car was a man and a woman who were trying to "heal" her. The man reached passed me as I was talking to her and reaching in checking her for serious injuries. He stuck his hand in and touched two fingers to her arm and said "I heal you in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty", and then pulled back. The woman knelt down and actually said "excuse me" as if she expected me to move. When I wouldn't she reached by me (blocking my view of the woman's face) to touch the woman inside the car and say the same "I heal you in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty".

As if they were not interferring enough, I heard the the woman say to the man as they walked away "he wouldn't get out of my way". Like I was in her way?? WTF?

By the time the EMTs and police got there about a dozen people were standing on the side of the road just watching. A couple of them probably called 911, but none were doing anything but playing morbid voyeur at an accident.

The driver didn't have any major bleeding and she was coherent, so she will probably be fine. But how can these idiots just stand there and not do anything? I mean, they could have at least tried to talk to the woman and calm her down.

And did the faithhealers actually expect me to move away (and stop checking her for serious injuries) so they could heal her?? Don't they imagine Jesus would prefer they try and stop the bleeding by more normal means and save the faithhealing for kids with cancer? Neither of them said a word to the woman.

Ok, I feel better having vented.

Is there a special school for Emergency Medical Faithhealing? Is there some special permit I can get to allow me to slap the rubberneckers?

I understand and share your feelings, how would they feel if it were them?
Western hamanity has been deiminished greatly by the violence in movies, tv , video games, etc. We have become a spectator society with little empathy for those suffering.
Is there a special school for Emergency Medical Faithhealing? Is there some special permit I can get to allow me to slap the rubberneckers?

Yes, I believe they have one at Boob Jones University, Liberty College and Regency College and the Nashville School of Faith Healing and Proctology.
I wonder do the Liberty University Lawyers faith heal them and then sue. Or not heal them so they will get more money and then heal after they win the lawsuit?

Being a Christian lawyer seems an inpossible conflict to me.
I heal you in the name of Buddha...

I wonder why you don't hear that often by passers by when you are helping at an accident.