Very Big and Fluffy Planet Discovered...

but it can't exist if it is over 5000 light years away.
We are just viewing it thru dark matter and maginifying it anyway.
Wow, very cool. And they said there might be another planet there too. I wish they would life somewhere in my lifetime, because I really don't want to miss the christians freaking out.
Wow, very cool. And they said there might be another planet there too. I wish they would life somewhere in my lifetime, because I really don't want to miss the christians freaking out.
I think you might get disappointed. They'd just get excited about sending missionaries.
LOl. Yeah, maybe. It would be cool though, if it ever happens.
Ever see the Simpson's episode where Kodos and Kang were first introduced? They come in and say, "We've been watching this planet since it's creation six thousand years ago by God!" then they cross themselves...

Ever see the Simpson's episode where Kodos and Kang were first introduced? They come in and say, "We've been watching this planet since it's creation six thousand years ago by God!" then they cross themselves...


LOL, no, but that is very funny.