Veterans day 2019 to all here that have served.


Well-known member
Thank you for your service. Please take a moment to think of all our brothers and sisters in arms that are in harms way today and every day.
I never served, but my grandfather did in WWII, my dad a bit in Vietnam and my brother during peace time.

Salute them all. With them we would not be America!

For those pansies that can't stand


You are blessed to be an American.



Everyday should be Veterans Day! Thanks to all who have served!
Thank you for your service. Please take a moment to think of all our brothers and sisters in arms that are in harms way today and every day.

My older brother was off fixing tanks in the gulf and my neighbor was in Vietnam. Other than that I don't think I know any other veterans. I'm thankful and hope we don't have to send people off again.
My older brother was off fixing tanks in the gulf and my neighbor was in Vietnam. Other than that I don't think I know any other veterans. I'm thankful and hope we don't have to send people off again.

Thanks Jade it's not who you know but paying respect that veterans have earned since 1776.