Veterans Group Says Fox News Should be Banned on Military Bases

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Tue, March 7, 2023 at 5:18 PM EST

VoteVets claims documents from an ongoing lawsuit prove Fox hosts knew they were spreading lies about the 2020 presidential election that harmed troops.

Citing these documents, a U.S. military veterans group launched an advertising campaign calling for a ban on airing Fox News at military bases.

In the VoteVets advertisement, a narrator can be heard saying, "The most valuable weapon to the enemy is disinformation. That's why the Pentagon spends hundreds of millions training our troops to resist it."

"Yet at the same time, the U.S. military uses taxpayer funded facilities to broadcast disinformation on military bases, knowingly letting false propaganda infiltrate the ranks," it continues.

So, a radical Leftist / Progressive veteran's group wants FOX news banned from bases? What's news about that? Every such radical Leftist group wants that sort of shit. They all hate free speech, including VoteVets, the group in the article. They endorse a straight Democrat ticket so they are totally partisan in nature.
Filed Under: You bet your sweet ass the WOKE Revolution has taken over the military. I was in Madigan one day and the loudspeakers were constantly blaring straight up WOKE propaganda, and everyone went about their day as normal.