Victor David Hansen: the failutlre of globalusm

not sure Xi concurs but he operates under a different set of givens.

Xi operates under a different premise.

As for him conquering America? Eh..we ain't playin' that.

Proxy president or not.

Here's something for Xi

Jiminy Cricket this is hard to find!

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I hope you're right but I would not bet the ranch on it.

I bet he won't get it without a helluva fight.

Fuck Chicoms, I'm from a Christian America, full of great Americans no one has ever heard of, but I know a lot of their stories.

In b4 Biden tries to tell Americans to just let the Chinese do whatever. :nono:

A) We view Biden as a piece of shit.

B) We are some proud Americans and we will kill you!
I bet he won't get it without a helluva fight.

Fuck Chicoms, I'm from a Christian America, full of great Americans no one has ever heard of, but I know a lot of their stories.

In b4 Biden tries to tell Americans to just let the Chinese do whatever. :nono:

A) We view Biden as a piece of shit.

they outnumber us rather dramatically. I do not doubt that there are many patriots who will be quite effective and this is a really big country but its a little too close to being a fair fight especially with the left coast being out vanguard. Once they gain control over the financial systems it gets really tough.
they outnumber us rather dramatically. I do not doubt that there are many patriots who will be quite effective and this is a really big country but its a little too close to being a fair fight especially with the left coast being out vanguard. Once they gain control over the financial systems it gets really tough.

It certainly does not help that the Chinese own the current president.

Hey, the Chinese real estate market is in the middle of imploding. The government over there is in the process of taking over the biggest real estate investor they had.

That's not our problem. Not making things here is our problem. That, and paying our bills.

Idk if you remember the 80s but Japan was about to take over the US, and their financial system imploded.

They ended up busted back to the stone age. Seriously, Japanese were buying up American real estate left and right.

It was looking like Japan was going to own major swaths of America for real.

Here and there, they still do.
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Must confess that I'd never heard of him before but he's one smart cookie.

So far, Russia, the US, and China are all on board with Global Capitalism. With the WTO as the Referee.
China is on the rise.
Russia is getting by.
The US is declining.

Here's a Bill in Congress:

"The nearly 3,000-page bill, not counting scores of amendments added this week, includes massive investments designed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S. The big-ticket items include about $52 billion in grants and subsidies to help the semiconductor industry and $45 billion to strengthen supply chains for high-tech products."

Yes, yes, the "$52 billion in grants and subsidies to help the semiconductor industry" could be viewed as a State/Business Partnership, or crony capitalism, or 'Socialism', but if the US wants to compete with China and their State/Business Partnerships, this is what it will take.
I bet he won't get it without a helluva fight.

Fuck Chicoms, I'm from a Christian America, full of great Americans no one has ever heard of, but I know a lot of their stories.

In b4 Biden tries to tell Americans to just let the Chinese do whatever. :nono:

A) We view Biden as a piece of shit.

B) We are some proud Americans and we will kill you!

I'm from a Christian America

B) We are some proud Americans and we will kill you!

Onward goyim soldiers? :laugh:
Ding, Ding, Ding. --->"Meanwhile, America's share of semiconductor manufacturing globally has steadily eroded from 37% in 1990 to about 12% now. The Biden administration and lawmakers are trying to reverse that trend, which industry officials say is driven by foreign competitors receiving significant government subsidies."

"foreign competitors receiving significant government subsidies".
Want to 'compete'? Need to fight fire with fire, ... NOT stand there and cry "but, but, ... communism".