Victory in Iraq impossible, says Kissinger


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Henry Kissinger, the former US secretary of state who has advised the Bush administration on the war in Iraq, on Sunday said he no longer believed a military victory was possible in the conflict.

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I wonder...does Dixie think that Henry Kissinger is a pinhead?

Henry Kissinger thinks there is a civil war raging in Iraq..... Dixie doesn't.

Whose opinion does anyone think is more valid?
Darn, I was hoping you were serious. It sounded so good.
I wonder if it will become a political mantra ?
Oh my...

The sardonic Liberal spelling police are having a field day patting each other on the back for catching Gaffer in what they perceived a spelling error!

Maybe just maybe Gaffer was making a pun on Kissinger'... "sarcassum" like this is how he would pronounce it with his accent!

But carry on libs ya really showed him how smart y'all are...:cof1: