Videotapes exist in Gibbons alleged assault case


Villified User
Property firm: Videotapes exist in Gibbons alleged assault case

LAS VEGAS Videotapes from cameras in the parking garage where Congressman Jim Gibbons is alleged to have tried to sexually assault a cocktail waitress are now in the hands of Las Vegas police.
That's according to the lawyer for Crescent Properties, which owns the structure where Chrissy Mazzeo says Gibbons grabbed her and propositioned her on October 13th.

Sheriff Bill Young will not confirm the tapes' existence and says there is no investigation until Mazzeo signs the crime report.

Gibbons is running for Nevada governor against Democrat Dina Titus.

He says the tapes will exonerate him and his lawyer plans to file a court motion to force police to release them tomorrow.

At first, police said there were no surveillance tapes of the inside of the garage.

That has led Mazzeo's lawyer, Richard Wright to react to the reported existence of the tapes with caution.

Mazzeo says Gibbons tried to force himself on her, but Gibbons says he was helping her up after she tripped.

Both have said they are willing to take lie-detector tests.