Violence in Iraq underreported, Liberal media ?


Villified User
Now think about it a bit.
- Remember we have imbedded reporters.
- A very high rate of independent reporters killed in Iraq.
- Other countries news media reporting these problems, but our media not followng up on the issues.

Liberal or controlled media ?
By underreporting the violence and such so it fit Bush's political adgenda better ?
The media as far as news goes should imho just report the facts, and that means all the facts. Thhis news is to be presented in a way which does not endanger our troops by giving away plans or strategies to the enemy. But does not conceal facts the citizens of the USA need.
A fine line but it can and should be walked.

In a democractic type of government the people need information to make their own decisions and make their decisions known to their government, thru votes or contact.
un-informed or scared people make stupid decisions. Of course some will make stupid decisions anyway, but there is little that can be done about that.
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