Virginia Recount


With less than 1% of the vote left to count, CNN has Webb ahead by 3K votes. Since most of the outstanding votes are from heavily Democratic precincts, it looks like Webb will beat Allen.

In round one. There will be a recount, you may be sure.

Let's start a pool, guys. How long will the Virginia recount drag on? I'll speak up for a quick one and take 5 days. Any other takers?
With less than 1% of the vote left to count, CNN has Webb ahead by 3K votes. Since most of the outstanding votes are from heavily Democratic precincts, it looks like Webb will beat Allen.

In round one. There will be a recount, you may be sure.

Let's start a pool, guys. How long will the Virginia recount drag on? I'll speak up for a quick one and take 5 days. Any other takers?

Ornot, I'm still shocked that Webb pulled ahead.

I have no idea how long the recount will take. It's like torture.
With less than 1% of the vote left to count, CNN has Webb ahead by 3K votes. Since most of the outstanding votes are from heavily Democratic precincts, it looks like Webb will beat Allen.

In round one. There will be a recount, you may be sure.

Let's start a pool, guys. How long will the Virginia recount drag on? I'll speak up for a quick one and take 5 days. Any other takers?

Allen's gonna cheat.

On a happier note, that windbag from Arizona, JD Hayworth lost, and so did that sweeney dude, who choked his mistress LOL
Allen's gonna cheat.

On a happier note, that windbag from Arizona, JD Hayworth lost, and so did that sweeney dude, who choked his mistress LOL

I guess that when you have to run a commercial, as a married man, saying "hey, yeah I cheated on my wife, but I didn't choke my girlfriend" you're pretty much dead. That might have been the funniest commerical of the whole election. Black humor though.
I guess that when you have to run a commercial, as a married man, saying "hey, yeah I cheated on my wife, but I didn't choke my girlfriend" you're pretty much dead. That might have been the funniest commerical of the whole election. Black humor though.

freakin' hilarious!
Allen's gonna cheat.

On a happier note, that windbag from Arizona, JD Hayworth lost, and so did that sweeney dude, who choked his mistress LOL

yeah whenever dems lose it's because republicans cheated.

let me know when you turn 12.
yeah whenever dems lose it's because republicans cheated.

let me know when you turn 12.

Allen did cheat, but Webb has held on to win in Virginia. Fortunately several lawsuits have already been filed regarding Allen's behavior. So he loses and he will have to pay up, Big Time!!!
In Virginia, they cannot request a recount until the vote is certified on the 27th...

What's your point? I just said that it would take three weeks until the vote was in and then there would be recounts and appeals by Allen who is already whining.
What's your point? I just said that it would take three weeks until the vote was in and then there would be recounts and appeals by Allen who is already whining.
Nothing. I was just posting a fact I heard this morning. I didn't quote anybody or use it as a rebuttal to a post.
Nothing. I was just posting a fact I heard this morning. I didn't quote anybody or use it as a rebuttal to a post.

OK, then! This race could well drag on until January; and since Rove is now nearly completely unoccupied, I suspect he will take a personal and active interest in it thus making the situation even more confusing and obtuse. But I do believe that like all cockroaches, a bright light will drive him under the refrigerator, behind the stove or into another darkened cranny.
OK, then! This race could well drag on until January; and since Rove is now nearly completely unoccupied, I suspect he will take a personal and active interest in it thus making the situation even more confusing and obtuse. But I do believe that like all cockroaches, a bright light will drive him under the refrigerator, behind the stove or into another darkened cranny.
I hope not. If he loses, he needs to simply resign with as much dignity as he can muster. I'm sick of this insane courts in our elections crap.