Virus-Origin Investigation Blocked by U.S. Elites? Politicians, Experts, Media Back C


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Virus-Origin Investigation Blocked by U.S. Elites? Politicians, Experts, Media Back China Over U.S.


On the edge of a village, deep in China’s South-West mountains, is an abandoned copper mine. Ten years ago, six miners contracted a mysterious disease—Three of them died. Could this be the origin of the pandemic that has killed more than 3.8 million people worldwide? Did samples taken from the mine leak from the Wuhan lab in 2019 after infecting researchers there? More than a year and a half on, the push is finally on for a serious investigation of the Wuhan Lab. But, why have America’s elites—politicians, researchers, and media, until now, been diverting us from this action? Epoch Times contributor and novelist, Roger Simon gives his insights on why U.S. elites seem more loyal to Beijing than to America. “A lot of them don’t want to upset Beijing… Because they don’t want to bite the hand that will potentially feed them.” —Roger Simon