Vitamin violations


1960s Chick Magnet
Vitamin B12 violations and resulting suspensions are becoming a regular thing on the forum.

Will they increase or diminish once people understand what they are?

Are there any other prohibited vitamins as well?

I've asked this before,
so I'm not super confident as to receiving an explanation this time,

No matter. Sorry to bother you.
Vitamin B12 violations and resulting suspensions are becoming a regular thing on the forum.

Will they increase or diminish once people understand what they are?

Are there any other prohibited vitamins as well?

I've asked this before,
so I'm not super confident as to receiving an explanation this time,

No matter. Sorry to bother you.

does it really matter? forum is in serious decline and barely worth stopping in anymore
Vitamin B12 violations and resulting suspensions are becoming a regular thing on the forum.

Will they increase or diminish once people understand what they are?

Are there any other prohibited vitamins as well?

I've asked this before,
so I'm not super confident as to receiving an explanation this time,

No matter. Sorry to bother you.

Stay away from Japanese Cartoon characters is Jack's Policy. :(
Bails of it all over the place and then the sun started to go down.
There aren't any street lights. Women getting taking advantage of is the norm.

Less than a dollar a day.

When selling on Fairtrade terms, farmers will receive the market price and Premium of $200 a tonne on top,
increasing to $240 a tonne from October 2019 due to the Fairtrade Price review.

Vitamin B12 violations and resulting suspensions are becoming a regular thing on the forum.

Will they increase or diminish once people understand what they are?

Are there any other prohibited vitamins as well?

I've asked this before,
so I'm not super confident as to receiving an explanation this time,

No matter. Sorry to bother you.

Stop being a dumbfuck, you know god damn well what a 12b is. It's been explained to you multiple times and I know that for a fact.
It's U - U dumb FKUC!

They're pulling wheelies and I don't care the least. He's just about to take a spill on his head.
It's the truck driver what do you see? Is that me or is that you? There's a dozen people blocking
the pathway. So what, no one cares. They're all by me. GOOD! Everyone is gone. There's one
over there. There's one over here. He's rolling a fatty. The next day there's ten of them on bikes.
I can't take to watch a kid who is just about getting ready to bust his head on the concrete.

It's U - dumb FKUC

You see the truck driver. Is that me or you. I heard you do it. Do you want to hear me do it.
