Vitter Pay-for-Sex Update


Will work for Scooby snacks
LOL - sorry, I can't help it. Vitter was on the telephone with escort services from the House floor. Probably shortly after expressing mock outrage over clinton's kinky escapades with a consenting young lady:

Escort service called lawmaker 5 times

Escort Service Placed Calls to Vitter During House Votes

AP News

Jul 12, 2007 20:17 EDT

A woman accused of running a Washington prostitution ring placed five phone calls to David Vitter while he was a House member, including two while roll call votes were under way, according to telephone and congressional records.
I wonder how long that marriage is going to last?

Vitter hasn't been seen in days. He hasn't been in the senate for votes.

Didn't his wife previously threaten to get Medieval on his ass, if he cheated? To go all Lorena-Bobbit on his @ss?

Vitter hasn't been seen in days. He hasn't been in the senate for votes.

Didn't his wife previously threaten to get Medieval on his ass, if he cheated? To go all Lorena-Bobbit on his @ss?


Yeah. Well, you live by the sword you die by the sword. He should have kept his mouth shut about Clinton and about gays and about family values.
Yeah. Well, you live by the sword you die by the sword. He should have kept his mouth shut about Clinton and about gays and about family values.

They don't talk about it because they believe in it. No sane person believes in that bullshit. They talk about it because their constitutents are idiots and eat it up, and they use it to get their power high.
They don't talk about it because they believe in it. No sane person believes in that bullshit. They talk about it because their constitutents are idiots and eat it up, and they use it to get their power high.

I think that's very true. But it's still a matter of living by the sword and dying by the sword.