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President Trump was happy as heck at the news that Michael Pack, his choice for new director at the Voice of America, finally got confirmed by the Senate. It came as a sort of miracle, given the dirty, protracted battle from the Deep State's Obama holdovers to keep him out. It was so underhanded that it involved a last-ditch Kavanaugh-style bid to smear Pack as corrupt if for nothing else than to delay his Senate confirmation to eternity. It was the Deep State at its worst, and it failed. Now, what's probably the last solid Obama bastion of Deep State government has toppled.

June 5, 2020
Stunning explosion of cheers from Iran and China dissidents over booting of Obama holdovers at Voice of America
By Monica Showalter


I never listened to the Voice of America. As far back as the 1950s I thought the VOA was taking part in a United Nations conspiracy.

I did listen to Letter from America:



Alistair Cooke KBE (20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-born American writer whose work as a journalist, television personality and radio broadcaster was done primarily in the United States. Outside his journalistic output, which included Letter from America and America: A Personal History of the United States, he was well known in the United States as the host of PBS Masterpiece Theatre from 1971 to 1992. After holding the job for 22 years, and having worked in television for 42 years, Cooke retired in 1992, although he continued to present Letter from America until shortly before his death. He was the father of author and folk singer John Byrne Cooke.


Let me explain.

Many, many years ago go I sailed the ocean blue. Around the late ‘50s or early ‘60s I bought a small transistor radio. I think I got it for 5 bucks in Hong Kong. Most sailors also bought one to play with on those boring lookouts.

NOTE: On merchant ships the word ‘sailor’ refers to deck hands. Example: When the chief mate tells the watch ‘Call out the sailors,’ he means the deck department. If the mate says ‘Call out all hands.’ he means call out the unlicenced engineers, stewards, and the deck hands. (I was never on a ship that called out all hands.) In the Navy the word sailor refers to everybody from admirals all the way down to mess boys.

Also note the titles of two of the oldest unions: SAILORS Union of the Pacific (1884) and Masters, Mates & Pilots (1880). But I digress.

Monica Showalter’s information came as no surprise to me. Not one seaman I knew listened to the Voice of America. We all knew that the VOA was propaganda programmed for foreigners. Like Showalter said:

VOA has been a propaganda tool of CCP, now VOA is the time to come back to Americans' hand to serve USA!

Let me add that the VOA was putting out the wrong kind of propaganda before there was a Communist China. In short: The VOA has been bad news for the American people from the day it was established in 1942.

Incidentally, Englishmen living in foreign countries listen to the BBC. That offers an insight into the difference between Americans and Brits. Americans with an ounce of sense would take the gas pipe before they would listen to the VOA.

Finally, if my memory is not playing tricks on me, I was a teenager when I read a W. Somerset Maugham short story about a remittance man sent off to live on island. The story is set in a time the sun never set on the British Empire.

It seems that the mail from England arrived by packet boat every month or so. On the day the mail arrived, Maugham’s remittance man received every copy of the London Times which he then arranged in chronological order. He would then read one paper every day beginning with the oldest published date until he finally read the newest copy. Hopefully, the packet boat’s arrival would coincide with the day the remittance man ran out of unread newspapers.

My point. Maugham’s story was my first insight into British character. To be precise, an American would read the newest copy first.
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I hope this means the democracy movement took a big hit:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of Voice of America and her deputy resigned Monday following recent clashes with the Trump administration that have sparked fears about the independence of the U.S. government-funded news organization.

Amanda Bennett and Deputy Director Sandy Sugawara announced they were leaving the organization as Trump ally and conservative filmmaker Michael Pack takes over leadership of the agency that oversees VOA.

Bennett and Sugawara told the staff in an email obtained by The Associated Press that Pack should be able to choose the leadership of the organization, which was created to promote democracy and American values abroad.

Voice of America director, deputy resign amid Trump clash
5-6 minutes


The next step is to shut this place down, or at least change the name to the Voice of the Democrat Party.
