Vocal Fry

Nobody else noticed this really irritating affectation?

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Having never seen an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, I haven't really noticed it much.

Except regarding Brittany Spears of course.

I did my best to ignore people who liked to use a "Valley Girl" accent.

I am trying my best to do the same with this latest annoyance.
Listen to this clip of Ira Glass, a renowned journalist and presenter:

Notice something? Yeah, he uses a ton of vocal fry. Yet people don't constantly whine about it. They only do when women open their mouths. Complaining about women's voices constantly is just the new way of saying they should keep their mouths shut.

99% Invisible has an auto-reply set up for these sorts of queries.
Listen to this clip of Ira Glass, a renowned journalist and presenter:

Notice something? Yeah, he uses a ton of vocal fry. Yet people don't constantly whine about it. They only do when women open their mouths. Complaining about women's voices constantly is just the new way of saying they should keep their mouths shut.

Shut the fuck up Darla's poodle!!
Ira Glass's voice is considered iconic. And he's doing the same fucking thing. You don't get old men constantly whining about him.

Seriously, you can't tell the difference? All these young women are copying it as an affectation because shallow obnoxious women like Kim Lardarse Carcrashian does it. I doubt that Mr. Glass is similarly as shallow. Maybe you ought to start doing it and try it at your next Skype interview. Perhaps that will give you the gravitas and bottom that you are seemingly lacking at present?
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Vocal fry - OK when you're a guy, shallow and vain when you're a girl. Gotcha.

You can be a truly tumescent tit at times, you should work on it! Of course maybe you are a vocal fryer as well and can't see anything wrong with it? It is a hideous affectation that should be ridiculed and disparaged at every turn, not given succour by idiots like you.

Care to pick out any men to criticize for using "the fry" in their vocal affectations or do you only have a problem when it is practiced by young women?
Poor Borbo.
Care to pick out any men to criticize for using "the fry" in their vocal affectations or do you only have a problem when it is practiced by young women?
Poor Borbo.

I think anyone who uses it as an affectation deserves to be ridiculed, I don't see any young men doing it but then again I live in England, not La La Land.