Voting Information


"I Bring You Life!"
Trump has the american vote but hillary has the pervert and welfare vote. The sad news is that may be all she needs.

TRUMP 2016-2024+ Regarding Voting and other threats to life: A problem for Hillary is, even perverts and welfare recipients have brains, and many of them are able to use their brains. And their brains are beginning to tell them that Hillary-Obama and the Democrat Party are not necessarily their friends in the long run.

We Trump Brigades must never leave any Votes on the table, whether it is the Queer Vote, the Welfare Vote, the Black Vote, the Jewish Vote, the Hispanic Vote or even the Atheist Vote. If anyone can Vote, we need to ask them politely, and with love, for their Vote. This was just one of the things Reagan tried to teach us that Conservative Believers need to keep in mind.

Now, as to the statement that reckless drivers are more of a threat to our lives than all other criminals put together, we need to first understand that ALL reckless drivers are Democrats, but keep also in mind that not all Democrats are reckless drivers.

The Bible says, "We wage war, not on flesh and blood, but on the Principalities and Powers of the Air, and Evil in High Places." Let's all memorize that the next time we feel like being needlessly cruel to any one of God's Creatures. Yes, we must mete out strong, and even harsh, Justice including the Death Penalty with no last meal, but we must also always pray for, and feel compassion for, the Criminal, even while we are hanging or appropriately torturing him or her. To do otherwise is to dehumanize ourselves. and do offense to God. Justice and Compassion must go together at all times even though they may seem contradictory at some moments. Amen! NOW... Search "FounderChurch Portal" and read the truth for a change, and learn from it.