Wall Mart Fights Back


Junior Member
The dems declared war on Wal Mart and now Wallys is going to fight back. They started a voter register drive of employees and customers.
The dems declared war on Wal Mart and now Wallys is going to fight back. They started a voter register drive of employees and customers.
That's fantastic. A lot of poor people shop/work at Walmart and when they see the Democrats attempts at attacking Walmart for nothing other than being big and offering cheap goods, at least some of them will turn against the Dems.

Liberals should have never started their bullshit war against Walmart.
Can't really disagree Dano, Walmart stuff is inevitable with the selling of America.
Most of the cons I know think wal mart is too low class to shop at anyway. so I just take my liberal butt in there an save a little bit of money on stuff it is not feasable to buy from local sources.
The wannabe ritch just go and buy stuff from the same factories in China with different labels in the malls and such ;)
I don't like Wal-Mart and it has nothing to do with them being big, powerful, sucessful and/or offering cheap made in China goods.

My problem is how they treat their employees. This is a company that repeatedly will have workers work off the clock, has taken out life insurance policies on their employees, and has even had a policy of locking in employees overnight in warehouses to prevent theft.

I am not advocating government involvement anymore than enforcing existing laws fairly and equally.

However personally I will not spend my hard earned dollars there and I encourage anyone else who finds such business practices to be reprehensible to do the same.
IHG, I am not going to pay more just to avoid Wally World. It helps me with my dwindling "real" pay.
But I respect you for following you beliefs.
The ones that make me chuckle are the ones that think it is too low class to shop at wally world :)
I know of plenty of people that aspire to work at wally world because of their current job being worse than wally world.
Part of good citizenship is at least doing what can reasonably be asked of you to benefit the community you live in.

Does shopping at Wal-mart help, hinder or neither help nor hinder your neighbors?
I live in a poor area and all jobs are hard to come by. Wally world offers better benefits and even pay than many of the small manufacturers and such in my area.
This is a chicken and the egg question though. Are things that way because Wal-Mart has come in or was it even beforehand and Wal-mart offered new opportunity.

Also we must consider lost opportunity. Would something more postive have come if Wal-mart didn't open there?
Actually Wally world made a net gain in jobs I think, and used to offer fairly good benefits for low paying entry level jobs. And still do in my area.
Of course in the days before Wally World, most of the men had the main wage earner job and health care./retitrement benefits. The wife would work at the local Grocery or clothing store for supplemental income. Now most are eyeball deep in debt and both have to work to support their destructive spending habits. Most of the jobs with good benefits has fizzled out around here.

Also before wally world it was other chains that ran out the local clothing/ 5 and dime sores and such arounnd here. roses, S-Mart, K-Mart, etc...Wynn dixie, Krogers, etc on the groceries.

to me for here it is 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other. they all suck worse than they used to.
I will admit that Wal-mart is a scapegoat of social change that is happening concurrently with the rise of Wal-mart and not necessarily because of it. However I do think it is part of the problem.

But I will reiterate that my main opposition to Wal-mart is there unethical behavior and not the nature of their business model.

Obviously if that is what the people want that it what they will get. If people turn away from it then they will have to change or die. I'm trying to be part of the second group though.
Oh no Damo shops at the french store!!!!

IHG, I think Wal mart is a symptom at least as much as a cause of bigger problems here, ie the selling of america for short term gains, resulting in a much bleaker long term outlook.
I don't like Wal-Mart and it has nothing to do with them being big, powerful, sucessful and/or offering cheap made in China goods.

My problem is how they treat their employees. This is a company that repeatedly will have workers work off the clock, has taken out life insurance policies on their employees, and has even had a policy of locking in employees overnight in warehouses to prevent theft.
From my reading, it was a handful of stores doing this, out of what a few hundred/thousand?
And they were punished and brought to light.
I can't comment for Walmart, but at McD's, most of the stores (that I knew) are independently franchised and had plenty of differing rules based on different owners, if one of those owners was some fucknut, would you blame all of McD's?

I am not advocating government involvement anymore than enforcing existing laws fairly and equally.

However personally I will not spend my hard earned dollars there and I encourage anyone else who finds such business practices to be reprehensible to do the same.
Well their mens clothing is crap, I'm never buying jeans there again.
Oh I edited your name, please don't get mad and start threads against me...I also hope I haven't lost your trust sir.
I buy all my jeans at wally world :) I get a lot more pissed if I rip or mess up a $45 pair of jeans vs a $12 pair. I take the labels off the jeans anyway. I don't advertise for free :) I even took the Levis labels off as well.
Want your name on my butt, pay me money ;)
I buy all my jeans at wally world :) I get a lot more pissed if I rip or mess up a $45 pair of jeans vs a $12 pair. I take the labels off the jeans anyway. I don't advertise for free :) I even took the Levis labels off as well.
Want your name on my butt, pay me money ;)
Great! I have a eastern European Liberal buddy called "Spayzef Orrent", he will pay you money for his name on your ass...who knows once you put his name there, I am convinced you will get MORE offers!
From my reading, it was a handful of stores doing this, out of what a few hundred/thousand?
And they were punished and brought to light.
I can't comment for Walmart, but at McD's, most of the stores (that I knew) are independently franchised and had plenty of differing rules based on different owners, if one of those owners was some fucknut, would you blame all of McD's?

Not all of there misdeeds are directed from Bentonville. I do know the life insurance policy was a corporate policy though. I do know however that it was a company policy to not reign in these rogue managers until legal action was brought against them. I fault them more than McDonalds because they are not a franchise and are much more centrally managed.

Well their mens clothing is crap, I'm never buying jeans there again.
Oh I edited your name, please don't get mad and start threads against me...I also hope I haven't lost your trust sir.

I can never trust you again!!!!! How dare you edit my name. I haven't even had anything to eat today:crybaby:
Great! I have a eastern European Liberal buddy called "Spayzef Orrent", he will pay you money for his name on your ass...who knows once you put his name there, I am convinced you will get MORE offers!

You keep strange friends Dano ;) Nope I am selective about whom I let adverstises on my butt, even for money! I am no republican!
I buy all my jeans at wally world :) I get a lot more pissed if I rip or mess up a $45 pair of jeans vs a $12 pair. I take the labels off the jeans anyway. I don't advertise for free :) I even took the Levis labels off as well.
Want your name on my butt, pay me money ;)
Well I suppose if your package is nearly nonexistant, then the jeans might not rip so easy and be more of a deal...