APP - Walls, Walls, everywhere there's walls


According to leftists, every single one of these is ineffective and won't stop one single from entering. Additionally, the people who erect these "walls and fences" are immoral. I can't believe these avowed leftists are trying to keep others out. No seriously, did these leftists not get the memo that walls do not work? Not at all. They have never, ever, ever, ever worked

Vatican City


Clinton Pizza Parlor

Hollywood Awards Shows

Obama Mosque

Democrat Party National Convention

Pocahontas Reservation

Now one would argue that the fence around the Pocahontas reservation doesn't really count because it is probably meant to keep out her puppy. I can see that argument except that when you look at the top of the iron fence it looks designed to keep someone from climbing over. Maybe her retriever is a climber?
I heard that walls are supposed to be "immoral," too. Maybe that just applies to one proposed wall, though.

Think I'm onto something?
I heard that walls are supposed to be "immoral," too. Maybe that just applies to one proposed wall, though.

Think I'm onto something?

You are always onto something Comrade. Your observations and political acumen rivals myself and Grind.

If we had a media that actually did its job, they would be in Nancy Pelosi's face and asking her if her wall surrounding her house is "immoral". But, they won't. Nancy Pelosi is an incompetent twit that can only survive in government protected by the Democrat Media Industrial Complex