Walts post is #%^* stupid...

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Well-known member
Here it is......

"You have said before that you were "almost 56." That means you were born in 1965, and were 17 in the summer of 1985. They were certainly not giving you a US Marine's bayonet, and having you risk your life. Birth's in 1925 might have not been accurately recorded enough to allow a 17 year old to serve in WWII, but there were not 16/17 year olds in the US Marines in 1982.

So some part of the information you have given us about your life is a lie."
Where do I even begin to even explain how wrong you are at every turn. First of all DUMMY,...I would be 20 years old in 1985 if I were born in 1965, not 17. Simple math...:thinking:

Second of all,....I have said many times I was almost 57, not almost 56. And If I ever did post almost 56 it was a typo but Im pretty sure I havent. JUST YESTERDAY DUMMY,...I posted again, in a thread that you yourself were in.....that I was almost 57.

Third.....I was born in 64......NOT 65, thus making me almost 57 like I have said and 18 in 1982. If you knew how to add.

Lastly,....you can,...unless they changed it but I doubt it....join the military at 17 with parental consent.

Also.......are you some kind of a fucking nut? :laugh:

Mods.......... feel free to move this after a time but I felt that I had to defend myself from this attack on my character that was unprovoked and easily defeated with facts. And Walt.......... go fuck yourself.
Oh,...and I was in the U.S Army,....NOT the marines. I also didnt author what I posted,....its called a cadence,...you dumb fucker you. I posted it in conjunction with something Dutch had just posted.
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Next time you want to stick yourself into someone elses conversation in a lame attempt at taking them down,..... you should probably AT LEAST know a little bit of what you are talking about. Oh,... and having a grasp of simple math would be a big help as well. Lest you turn out looking like a fool,..... you know,...like you do right now.

Have a nice day....... ;)
Here it is......

"You have said before that you were "almost 56." That means you were born in 1965, and were 17 in the summer of 1985. They were certainly not giving you a US Marine's bayonet, and having you risk your life. Birth's in 1925 might have not been accurately recorded enough to allow a 17 year old to serve in WWII, but there were not 16/17 year olds in the US Marines in 1982.

So some part of the information you have given us about your life is a lie."
Where do I even begin to even explain how wrong you are at every turn. First of all DUMMY,...I would be 20 years old in 1985 if I were born in 1965, not 17. Simple math...:thinking:

Second of all,....I have said many times I was almost 57, not almost 56. And If I ever did post almost 56 it was a typo but Im pretty sure I havent. JUST YESTERDAY DUMMY,...I posted again, in a thread that you yourself were in.....that I was almost 57.

Third.....I was born in 64......NOT 65, thus making me almost 57 like I have said and 18 in 1982. If you knew how to add.

Lastly,....you can,...unless they changed it but I doubt it....join the military at 17 with parental consent.

Also.......are you some kind of a fucking nut? :laugh:

Mods.......... feel free to move this after a time but I felt that I had to defend myself from this attack on my character that was unprovoked and easily defeated with facts. And Walt.......... go fuck yourself.

like many democrats hes a lying dumb ass .
Here it is......

"You have said before that you were "almost 56." That means you were born in 1965, and were 17 in the summer of 1985. They were certainly not giving you a US Marine's bayonet, and having you risk your life. Birth's in 1925 might have not been accurately recorded enough to allow a 17 year old to serve in WWII, but there were not 16/17 year olds in the US Marines in 1982.

So some part of the information you have given us about your life is a lie."
Where do I even begin to even explain how wrong you are at every turn. First of all DUMMY,...I would be 20 years old in 1985 if I were born in 1965, not 17. Simple math...:thinking:

Second of all,....I have said many times I was almost 57, not almost 56. And If I ever did post almost 56 it was a typo but Im pretty sure I havent. JUST YESTERDAY DUMMY,...I posted again, in a thread that you yourself were in.....that I was almost 57.

Third.....I was born in 64......NOT 65, thus making me almost 57 like I have said and 18 in 1982. If you knew how to add.

Lastly,....you can,...unless they changed it but I doubt it....join the military at 17 with parental consent.

Also.......are you some kind of a fucking nut? :laugh:

Mods.......... feel free to move this after a time but I felt that I had to defend myself from this attack on my character that was unprovoked and easily defeated with facts. And Walt.......... go fuck yourself.

Talk about a fucking stupid title
Next time you want to stick yourself into someone elses conversation in a lame attempt at taking them down,..... you should probably AT LEAST know a little bit of what you are talking about. Oh,... and having a grasp of simple math would be a big help as well. Lest you turn out looking like a fool,..... you know,...like you do right now.

Have a nice day....... ;)

Down boy, down.
Some current event you got here. :rolleyes:

Not only is it current,....it is also an event. I was attacked for no reason. I felt I should set the record straight. In addition I also left a respectful note for the mods ........
It ought to be in the War Zone but stupid is as stupid does. It's a good thing all Reichwing men are not such whiny-ass wimps or their race would cease to exist. Oh wait. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. :laugh:

You sure do follow me around a lot for someone who has me on ignore. ;) Better than chopping and hauling wood I guess. Maybe you can get your lazy husband to do it? Nawwwwww....he wont. :laugh:
Imagine being someone like owl and having THIS as your sig line...........

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -- Gandhi

Now imagine not being bright enuff to be able to figure out how outlandishly ironic it is! :laugh:
Stoney needs some fresh air and a new hobby.

Apparently. It's kind of nauseating to see grown "men" act like miffed little third-graders. "I'm telling the teacher! Billy was SOOO mean to me! Waaaaahhhh!" :laugh:

And here we were told by the Reichtards that all the leftie men were the "soy boys." Oops.
Next time you want to stick yourself into someone elses conversation in a lame attempt at taking them down,..... you should probably AT LEAST know a little bit of what you are talking about. Oh,... and having a grasp of simple math would be a big help as well. Lest you turn out looking like a fool,..... you know,...like you do right now.

Have a nice day....... ;)

Jeezus can you cry.
Stoney needs some fresh air and a new hobby.

Doesnt happen........if not for walt. Many have said Walt is a sock of Owl. I have no idea,....dont give a shit either. Would not surprise me . Some good can come from this though.....this just might spur walt on to work at mastering basic math. Anyone over the age of 3 should be able to count,... let alone a full grown sock...:cool:
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