Wanda Sykes

I thought she was funny, I like Wanda.

I find her pretty funny most of the time; love irreverence! But that particular remark seemed, shall we say, ill-considered? I think that for most people, 9-11 is still very, very raw.
I must have been on the phone when she was doing the part of 9/11, missed that, I was just having a good laugh over Biden!
Who cares? She is about as funny as Rush.

You see that guys? Damo trying to build a false equivalence between a relatively moderate comedian and the leader of an extremist fringe party to prove that he's a moderate and prove that liberals are REALLY just as bad as conservatives.

It's like in 1930, a German saying, "Oh yeah, that Hitler, he's pretty bad, but not any worse than the social democrats!"
You see that guys? Damo trying to build a false equivalence between a relatively moderate comedian and the leader of an extremist fringe party to prove that he's a moderate and prove that liberals are REALLY just as bad as conservatives.

It's like in 1930, a German saying, "Oh yeah, that Hitler, he's pretty bad, but not any worse than the social democrats!"
You also are nearly as funny as Rush.
I thought that she had a few good lines and I liked that there wasn't any of this F this S that type of thing. I do not see why some commedians think that it is funny to use profanity.

She's an ignorant woman using stupid Rush slams that are ugly. That you find that funny is not a suprise.

I guess this gives conservatives an open free pass though to wish all kinds of illnesses and calamities on liberals though...always an upside.
She's an ignorant woman using stupid Rush slams that are ugly. That you find that funny is not a suprise.

I guess this gives conservatives an open free pass though to wish all kinds of illnesses and calamities on liberals though...always an upside.

Wait just one minute there; did I say that everything that she said was funny? No, but she did have some funny lines and if you watched the video that I posted you will have to admit the joke about the President and Joe Biden going out to get a burger together was funny. As to the joke about Limbaugh, she could have left the kidneys part out, but the rest about him being the twentieth hi-jacker had humor to it. Funny thing is that the same people who laughed at Limbaugh calling a child the White House dog get all up tight when someone makes a joke about him.

I remember one fellow who loved to repeat the jokes that he would hear on Limbaugh's show and see if he could upset Liberals. He loved to say thing to me at the Health club because he knew that I was a Progressive. He must have been waiting all day to tell me this one.

"Rush said that he was in an elevator when Hillary got in, Hillary turned to Limbaugh and said make me a real woman. Rush took off his shirt and threw it at her and said iron that." All there was to it was a insult and this man got really angry as I had already heard the so-called joke and interrupted him at the point of "Hillary got in" and said "Now, you know that could never happen as when Rush is in the elevator there isn't any room for anyone else." Oh, he got so upset, not only had I ruined his joke, I had turned it around on his hero. Point being that life is a two way street, if it's funny to insult the other political side then don't take offence when they return the favor.
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Icy loves Ann Coulter, but she has problems with Wanda, isn't that just like her.

Like I said, I thought the jokes about torturing Biden were hilarious. Some people just don't have a sense of humor, or it is misplaced.
One need not say anything funny about Biden. Just let him speak for himself... But I personally wouldn't laugh if someone joked about "torturing" the VP.
I just wouldn't like someone joking about torturing me (unless it involved a trio or larger of scrumptious C/D cup babes in bikini wear and glitter, brandishing handcuffs, and possessing excellent stamina), so I am averse to doing the same regarding others...
And you are a pseudo-moderate, Damo, pretending to be a moderate so that you can feel you have an air of superiority, while secretly doing everything you can to support one side of extremists.
I believe what I believe, you, and others on this site, are the ones who label me "moderate".

What is "pseudo" would be nearly anything you say on this site, and the rest? Well, people think those are "pseudo" too.

One thing I do note, all those lefties who compare the same two... well there is nothing you have to say on those threads... "pseudo outrage" appears to be what you are attempting to hand to people, and almost in as funny a way as the unfunny Wanda Sykes and Rush Limbaugh.
Wanda Skyes is a hilarious COMEDIAN. You judge her entire career by one HILARIOUS joke about an evil subhuman who deserve to be executed, and compare her to this evil subhuman over this?
Wanda Skyes is a hilarious COMEDIAN. You judge her entire career by one HILARIOUS joke about an evil subhuman who deserve to be executed, and compare her to this evil subhuman over this?
Again. I compare what she said to about as funny as what I said I do. I find some things she does funny, this wasn't really one of them. Not because of the target. I couldn't care less. It just wasn't funny.

I didn't pretend to anything at all. Again I note the lefties comparing the two... Where is your outrage for them? As you escalate, it just becomes funnier and more "Rush-like"...